Longitude Usability Study Interim Presentation May 6, 2010 Sabel Braganza Fiel Guhit Amir Malik Viet Pham
Problems and Methods Social implications of Longitude. Capturing participants emotions and reactions to features. Teaching participants how to use the location-sharing application. Participants will express their opinions about Longitude's features. Evaluation of the performance of tasks given to users. Evaluating the user's understanding of Longitude's features. Unfamiliarity with Android platform, smart phone devices, or Google maps. Zooming in and out must be manually pressed on the buttons on screen.
Progress Thus Far Pilot Testing - Completed three pilot tests o Pilot #1 - Fiel and Viet o Pilot #2 - Fiel and Viet o Pilot #3 - Amir and Sabel o Final Pilots - Scheduled for Friday, May 7th Scheduling o sent out to 15 participants Usability Testing Phase o 13 participants have been scheduled for usability testing. (Presentation Updated - May 12, 2010) o 7 out of the 13 participants have been tested. (Presentation Updated - May 12, 2010)
Pilot #1 Problems Encountered: o "Pinch to zoom" feature o Android didn't pick up touch gestures ~10% of the time o Maintaining fluidity of script and speaking Insights Gained: o Practice makes perfect o Effective type of paper prototyping o iPhone users tend to assume all touch phones implement same gestures
Pilot #2 Problems Encountered: o Occasionally the UI is unresponsive, this confuses the user. o Users try the double click gesture often. o Timing of tasks sometimes skewed because users are trying to play with non-active features of the prototype. Insights Gained: o Moving a little quicker keeps attention. o Need to let user figure out the tasks without interfering but encouragement is good to avoid frustration
Pilot #3 Problems Encountered: o User found hidden button o Incomplete functions on prototype o Keeping track of activity time Insights Gained: o User learned functionality after repetitive questioning about the app's functions Friend Bar example o Importance of Reinforcement--repetitive explanations Frequent Friends
Scheduling Scheduling tells participant that we would like to schedule a time for him/her to come in to participate in the first phase of the software study of Longitude. Informs the participant about the location of the study. o Hana Lab or Participant's office Informs user that we will set aside 30 minutes for the usability test.
Scheduling Participant is asked to notify us about 3 or more slots that will work Availability list - time and dates for the participant to pick from. o Ranges from Monday, May 10th - Friday, May 21st Compensation - $5 Starbucks gift card Presentation Update (May 12, 2010) - o Scheduling sent out to 17 potential participants. o Responses where received during Week 6. o Participants were scheduled and usability testing is in progress.
Decisions Yet to be Made Scheduling Participants in Hana Lab Finalize Scheduling of Participants - o 13 out of 15 participants have been scheduled. (May 12, 2010) Usability Testing Phase- In Progress o 7 out of the 13 scheduled participants have been tested. Installing Screen Recording Software - Completed (May 12, 2010) Demographics Survey - Completed (May 12, 2010) o Age, gender, education o Type of mobile phone they have o Familiarity with Google Maps o Familiarity with Google Latitude
Updated Timeline