TERRA satellite
Orbits T=100 minutes Repeat time/track separation Off nadir allowed? Swath width Ascending/Descending, day/night Stereo possible?
Forest fires, fall 2003
Satellite Resolution Spatial Spectral Radiometric Temporal
Whether noise is a nuisance or a signal may depend on whom you ask. Physics Today, May 2003
S/N ratio Pixel size Part of spectrum Bandwidth Active/Passive
Figure 1: The demise of Landsat 7. Partial image of Railroad Valley, NV (Path 40, Row 33) showing pre-anomaly (top), post-anomaly without interpolation (middle), and post-anomaly with interpolation (bottom).
SLAR—side looking airborne radar Same principals as side scan sonar
Contrast gray scale possible ~30 we can differentiate Use them most effectively
IR “Best” How show?