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Presentation transcript:

大一英文教材之編輯 董 崇 選 國立中興大學外文系教授 懂更懂學習英文網站負責人 網址: dgdel.nchu.edu.tw

I. 我們自編大一英文教材的演變史: –A. Facts 1. A mere collection of English (literary) articles or works. 2. A collection of English (literary) articles or works, With annotations (in Chinese and/or English), And questions about the content, Plus brief passages about the authors.

I. 我們自編大一英文教材的演變史: A. Facts 3. A collection of English articles or works on various subjects, With annotations (in Chinese and/or English), And questions about the content, Plus brief passages about the authors. 4. A collection of English articles or works on various subjects, With annotations (in Chinese and/or English), And questions about the content and the language, Plus exercises and tests

I. 我們自編大一英文教材的演變史: A. Facts 5. A collection of English articles or works on various subjects, With annotations (in Chinese and/or English), And questions about the content and the language, Plus exercises and tests, And supplementary materials for cultural and practical purposes.

I. 我們自編大一英文教材的演變史: B. Analyasis 1. an English reader = the only English- teaching material Learning English is limited to reading English. 2. literary articles or works → articles on various subjects Learning English is related to acquiring knowledge.

I. 我們自編大一英文教材的演變史: B. Analyasis 3. without → with the part of “the language” Learning English must include grammar and rhetoric. 4. without → with exercises Practice is very important to learning English.

I. 我們自編大一英文教材的演變史: B. Analyasis 5. without → with tests One needs to know how well one has learned English. 6. without → with cultural materials Learning a language involves learning its culture. 7. without → with practical materials A language is to be used in real life.

II. 我們需要自編大一英文教材嗎? –A. 需要: 因為: We know what our students need. –B. 不需要 : 因為: We have plenty of well-made materials already.

III. 我們應如何自編大一英文教材? 1. Two separate editions, one for training the ability of listening and speaking (including oral translation), the other for training the ability of reading and writing (including written translation).

III. 我們應如何自編大一英文教材? 2. To enlarge the content of the materials by covering as many subjects as possible. 3. With guided study of both the ideas and the language. 4. Providing sufficient good exercises and tests.

III. 我們應如何自編大一英文教材? 5. Including a cultural capsule. 6. Showing practical applications. 7. Doing oral and written cross-translation. 8. Augmenting audio-visual effects.

IV. 我們自編大一英文教材的困難: 1. Who can serve as the editor(s)? 2. What is the level of our freshmen’s English? 3. Who may want to use our editions? 4. Where is our (financial) support?