WORKSHOP SUMMARY Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Queenstown, NZ December 5-7, 2001 WORKSHOP SUMMARY Gil Sylvia, Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University Laurie Jodice, Marine Resource Management, Oregon State University Michael Harte, Falklands Islands Government Susan Hanna, Agricultural & Resource Economics, Oregon State University Kevin Stokes, NZ Seafood Industry Council
Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Background & Rationale Challenges & Vision Skills & Knowledge Current Training Incentives & Rewards Consensus Strategies & Recommendations Outline
WorkshopGoal Workshop Goal Bring together Recognized leaders from all fishery sectors (government, industry, academia) to actively discuss The challenges for fishery management and the training, education, and professional working environments necessary to produce Problem solvers, leaders, and innovators. Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries
Rationale –Institutional transition –Shift in responsibilities –Goals have evolved –More challenging strategies Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries How do we respond to…? How should training evolve to meet challenges? –Strategic planning –Critical thinking –Problem-solving –Leadership –Team-work How can we improve recruitment and retention of talented managers?
Workshop Objectives Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries 1)Create a VISION for the 21st century – challenges and opportunities 2)Determine management competencies (SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE) and individual qualities necessary to meet challenges 3)Evaluate CURRENT EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAMS - Do they meet the needs? 4)Evaluate the organizational management structure necessary to provide INCENTIVES AND REWARDS to attract and retain well trained individuals. 5) Recommend STRATEGIES for providing educational and training programs necessary to attract and produce individuals with the appropriate abilities
Methods Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Pre-workshop focus Questions ( ) Presentations and panel discussions Small workgroup discussion Participation US, NZ, Australia, Europe, Falklands 63 participants Academic, Government, Industry, Consultants
Vision Vision Who is the 21 st Century Fishery Manager? Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Characteristics of a 21 st Century fishery manager: Effective leader - policy process, team analysis Moral character Intellectual ability Passionate Technical management Understands physical AND human components Agreement No consensus definition of a fishery manager Political, economic, and social framework of the nation or region, and the sector
Vision Vision What is the vision for fishery management 10 years from now? Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Gap - Legal mandates vs current practices. Catching up – –Implementation-overload –Existing problems Government perspective Differences
Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Responsibility – reconciling management by fishing rights holders with other stakeholder groups. Industry Vision Vision What is the vision for fishery management 10 years from now? Differences
Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Sustainability - future generations. Ethics Indigenous knowledge Indigenous perspective State Library of Victoria Differences Vision Vision What is the vision for fishery management 10 years from now?
Skills & Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries What are the key skills that educators should be emphasizing? What are the “capstone” areas of the ideal curricula?
Skills & Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries 1.Fishery management is a process, not a tightly bounded organization Everyone who significantly participates in the fishery management process is a “manager” 2.All necessary skills and knowledge cannot exist in one manager All participants in fisheries management will require some common skills and knowledge, but at different depths. 3.The role of the fisheries manager varies Agreement – Challenges in defining skills and knowledge
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries The role of the fisheries manager varies… GENERALIST understands broad complexity of the system SPECIALIST supports generalists Specialist or Generalist ? Leads team analysis Member of team
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries The role of the fisheries manager varies… leading change innovation, adaptation policy-making strategic planning evaluation of outcomes decisions about implementation implementation Accountability
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries The role of the fisheries manager varies… Institution Scientific centralized, pluralistic or rights-based? Sector Industry, government, or nongovernmental organization (NGO)? Management scale International, national, or local? Type of fishery Level of economic development
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Industry, community, and NGO stakeholders; Non-governmental managers of individual fishery organizations Leaders of NGOs Mid-level governmental managers Lead managers of government fishery agencies Institutional analysts Policymakers Seven Classes of Managers
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Pre-workshop response:
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries BASICS Sciences (biology ecology) Economics Social science Policy & law Business Workshop Agreement – more leadership emphasis LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Communications (conflict resolution, consensus building, facilitation, people skills, intercultural skills) Integrative or system level critical thinking Decision-making Problem solving Risk analysis FISHERIES SPECIFIC Fisheries Science Fisheries Management tools (risk analysis; stock assessment) Knowledge of all stakeholder groups Managing specialist & decision-maker interface Incorporating indigenous & industry knowledge
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries “Capstone” Allow students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills through a specific academic or other training experience. Reality-based or real-world Fisheries specific or at least other natural resource management All groups thought practical training was important…
Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Case study Modeling, simulation Role playing, debating Applied research projects Analytical team projects Applied management courses Fishery management plan development Fisheries and society studies on different scales University of Rhode Island, Policy Simulation Lab Reality Based - integrated Experience w/ practical application UW-OSU student conference
Real-world - private or public sector: Internships, professional mentoring or shadowing, secondments Sea time – e.g. commercial; research; fisheries observer program Field experience in multi-party conflict resolution Interaction with fishing communities Interaction with fishery management councils Skills and Knowledge Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Council Meeting Fisheries observer
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Current training capacity? Academic programs w/ FM –Organization –Curriculum strategy –Quality indicators Continuing education models Review of current programs
Organization – Distribution of FM programs Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Internships, professional mentoring or shadowing, secondments Australia (5)(3) China(1) Japan(4)(4) Indonesia(1) Norway(1) Netherlands(1) Portugal(1) Ireland(2)(1) Scotland (1) UK (10)(4) Canada (6)(4) US (39)(24) Total academic programs = 72 Total institutions = 46 Total degree options = 165
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Evolved primarily from fisheries sciences “Fisheries management” –Course(s) - 43% –Emphasis/Option – 38% –Major – 19% Variety of degree levels – PhD & Masters most common Flexibility - PgC, PgD, or Masters; Distance courses; accelerated courses Review of current programs - Analysis Organization
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Review of current programs - Analysis Strategy & Content Goal –Entry-level professionals (undergraduate, most common) –Scientific foundation for research (graduate/PhD) –Scientists and professional resource managers capable of leadership and multidisciplinary problem analysis (least common)
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Review of current programs - Analysis Strategy & Content Disciplinary foundation - core
Science & Management (mentioned by institution): –Fisheries biology (76%) –Economics (70%) –Fisheries ecology(68%) –Policy (62%) –Sociology (52%) –Law (47%) –Business(35%). Courses (presence at institution – usually 1 ) –Fisheries economics (31%) –Marine or natural resource and environmental economics (55%) –Fisheries management (90%) – usually habitat management Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Review of current programs - Analysis Strategy and Content
Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Current Training Review of current programs - Analysis Strategy and Content Skills COMMUNICATION ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH MANAGEMENT
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Review of current programs - Analysis Quality Indicators Program capacity: –Course quantity, diversity, and quality –Fisheries research & faculty (91% of 46 institutions have marine focus) Capstone: –(70%) Thesis –(45%) Research Project –(< 10%) Case Study, Leadership exercise, or Team Project
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Review of current programs - Analysis Quality Indicators – cont. Partnerships –Intra and inter-sectoral –e.g. NOAA Fisheries and Academic Institutions OSU student and NOAA Scientist Facilities: –Near fishing community (61%) –Marine lab (63%) –Research vessel (54%) OSU Lab
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Continuing Education - Models Academic: Extension and outreach programs –Specialized, needs based PgC or PgD, professional masters Accelerated, distance courses Government: National training centers – e.g. USFWS, National Conservation Training Center In-house
Current Training Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Continuing Education - Models Industry: Specialized, needs based Industry associations or trade groups e.g. SITO (Seafood Industry Training Organization) Non-profit/Foundation: Open-enrollment or custom designed Leadership, administration or management e.g. Center for Creative Leadership in North Carolina
Incentives and Rewards Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries How do we attract, support and enable skilled fisheries managers to succeed? How do we develop responsible, professionally rewarding opportunities?
Incentives and Rewards Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Recruitment High turnover/low retention Aging workforce Knowledgeable, non-agency people reluctant to engage in process Problems
Incentives and Rewards Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Internal Low pay Limited career prospects Limited professional development Low job satisfaction Science – management conflict Suggested Causes External Poor exposure & recognition as profession Low interest among grads Lack of public and stakeholder trust Politics and Litigation – weak authority, low morale Failure to achieve outcome = personal failure Media and stakeholder focus on failure
1.Develop creative partnerships Cross-sectoral training – e.g. fellowships for agency or industry participation in academia Dual Degree programs (MBA, Public Admin.) Capstone opportunities Consensus Strategies Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries 2.Management process as a learning experience Ongoing evaluation and adaptive management Integrated w/ academic research and teaching Process based stakeholder training
3.Broaden and Lengthen career path Recruit from broader range of disciplines Consider performance standards and/or professional certification Provide educational opportunities Clear career development pathways Salary Consensus Strategies Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries
Consensus Strategies Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries 4.Gap Analysis Perform sector-based needs assessment Survey current training Develop minimum level of skills and knowledge for all levels and classes or sectors of managers Use as baseline input for other strategies Sector or type of manager Minimum level for all = basics Level
5.Website International education and training database or clearinghouse Categorized by level of training and sector Consensus Strategies Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries 6.Industry scholarships Industry $ support for students NZ willing, US needs someone to lead effort 7.Case study library Catalog existing – literature, survey instructors Develop process, format, templates Writing workshops
8.Network of training providers Needs coordination International needs assessment Launch at international fisheries conference Use internet/website as coordinating tool Consensus Strategies Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries
International steering committee Develop case study concept Complete website Consult with executive IIFET committee to determine interest in supporting efforts Make workshop results available Pursue funding possibilities and ideas – within countries, international funders Work with partners – IIFET, FAO, World Bank, NOAA/NMFS Actions Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries Need committed effort by national and international organizations to address challenges and overcome barriers.
1.Does the panel or audience have general comments/additions regarding workshop recommendations for Educating 21 st Century Managers Workshop? 2.Are there recommendations specifically for marine resource economists, the economics profession, or other related social sciences for improving the education and success of fishery managers? 3.Is there a specific role for IIFET in improving the education and professionalism of fishery managers – for example, information clearinghouse, coordinating/conducting training and workshops, assisting in developing professional organizations, academic training, continuing education for professionals? QUESTIONS Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries
1.Develop creative partnerships 2.Management process as a learning experience 3.Broaden and Lengthen career path 4.Gap Analysis 5.Website 6.Industry Scholarships 7.Case Study library 8.Network of training providers Consensus Strategies - SUMMARY Training Managers for 21 st Century Fisheries