TIPS: Teaching Interdisciplinary Problem Solving through Educational Technology
Welcome to TIPS Created by: Jim Carroll Joe Montecalvo
Today’s Objectives: Participants will be able to: Learn the steps of the Public Policy Analyst (PPA) Apply the PPA to analyzing and solving a problem in the curriculum or school community Integrate the PPA into teaching through creating a WebQuest
TIPS Is Our Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning
TIPS Evolved from Project LEGAL
Project LEGAL Created in 1976 by Director, Jim Carroll, Ph.D.
Project LEGAL New York State validation in 1979
Project LEGAL USDE validation in 1982, 1992 & 1996
Project LEGAL Has been implemented in thirty four states Hungary, Croatia, and the US Virgin Islands
Project LEGAL Since 1983, adoption schools in over 1500 school districts including: -Canastota -Cortland -Fayetteville-Manlius -Fulton -North Syracuse
1996—1999: LEGAL’s methods become Internet applications 1999—2005: LEGAL obtains Project TIPS $7M+ grant for 650 Bronx content teachers 2000—Present: Grants in NYC for Gifted Education & Character Education that successfully integrate the TIPS Internet applications
The TIPS Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Students learn by constructing their own knowledge through the TIPS model for problem solving: The Public Policy Analyst.
TIPS Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Teachers serve as co-learners, mentors, coaches and resources to engage students to use technology to solve interdisciplinary problems, think critically and answer their own questions.
TIPS Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Curriculum is restructured to engage students in solving real- world problems that relate to all content areas and state standards. In-depth knowledge, analysis and application of major concepts are emphasized.
TIPS Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Assisting students with achieving NYS content standards and new graduation requirements.
What Is the Purpose of Education in a Democratic Society?