Work and Employment: Article 27 of the Convention Honouring the Convention: A Call to Action in BC Disability Advisory Committee of the Community Legal Assistance Society Vancouver, December 10, 2010 Michael J. Prince
2 Vision and Promise of Article 27 That labour markets and work environments are “open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities” on an equal basis with other people Real work for real pay Integrated work settings Feeling valued as an employee
3 The Goal and Scope of Article 27 The right to gain a living through work in all forms of employment Whether through: self-employment in one’s own business non-profit cooperatives or social enterprises private sector companies public sector agencies in federal, provincial, or municipal government
4 Barriers in current situations Extremely high rates of unemployment Reliance on volunteer placements and day programs for persons who could be gainfully employed Persistence of sheltered workshops and segregated employment Inadequate funds for supportive employment measures
5 Potential of Article 27 Making sure people with disabilities can try out work experience in the open labour market with reasonable accommodations provided (27 1.i,j) Using affirmative action programs, cash grants or tax incentives, and other measures to promote employment in businesses, in governments, and in community agencies (27 1.f,g,h)
6 Next Steps In BC, what provincial actions should we call for to improve employment opportunities and experiences for persons with disabilities? What about the policy role of the federal government in enabling more people with disabilities to have real work?
7 Thank you Michael J. Prince Lansdowne Professor of Social Policy Faculty of Human and Social Development University of Victoria Disabling Poverty and Enabling Citizenship CURA