Unicenter Desktop & Server Management Scaling Options - SQL -Latest Revision June Read the notes pages
Domain Management: Scaling © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.
3 Gather and understand…. …installation needs and expectations before beginning, then develop the architecture to satisfy those conditions. No hard and fast formulas…. …the intention is to illustrate the thought process and describe general principles used to make installation specific decisions.
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 4 Things have changed…. …and will continue to change with regards to performance and best practices as testing continues. Always check for the latest facts and figures. Migration requires re-thinking…. …because limitations that applied to previous releases may not longer apply and consolidation of applications to a single system may be required.
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 5 Ask…. Understand…. Why?
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 6 Simple, small environment…. Up to 2000 agents Single LAN or campus No DMZ or firewalls No constraining service level requirements Main motivation for implementing DSM: Simplify and unify desktop and server management functions.
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 7 Simple, small environment…. All Domain Management components may be implemented on a single, adequately sized system. System Specification: CPU:Dual 2 GHz RAM:2 GB Disk:100 GB free
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 8 Simple, small environment…. …but this installation has service level requirements that must be met. Ability to deliver a common software packages be distributed to all targets within 3 hours. Requires asset inventory to be no more than 24 hours old Up to 2000 agents Single LAN or campus No DMZ or firewalls No constraining service level requirements
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 9 Simple, small environment…. One to two Scalability Servers are added…. Added System Specification: CPU:Single 2 GHz RAM:2 GB Disk:100 GB free Why?
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 10 Simple, small environment…. Expectations are more demanding then in the previous case. Common software package must be distributed to all 2,000 agents within 3 hours. Assumption: Common software package takes 5 minutes to distribute. Fact: Software deployment is limited by default to 25 concurrent activations from any Scalability Server.
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 11 Simple, small environment…. Assumption: Common software package takes 5 minutes to distribute. Fact: Software deployment is limited by default to 25 concurrent activations from any Scalability Server. So, 2000 distributions at 5 minutes each at 25 at a time would take 6.67 hours. The service level requirement is not more than 3 hours so three source points, minimum, are needed.
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 12 Medium Environment Recent performance enhancements and follow up testing make it necessary to reconsider best practice recommendations based on experiences with previous releases and even previous builds r11.1. Up to 50,000 agents Distributed LAN/WAN DMZs and/or firewalls Service level requirements Why?
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 13
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 14 Medium Environment Take note of the end population. The statistics were compiled while progressively adding computers, hardware and software inventory to DSM Domain with all components including the MDB (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4) on a single high-end server until the number of computers reached 50,000 Up to 50,000 agents Distributed LAN/WAN DMZs and/or firewalls Service level requirements
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 15 Test Environment Architecture Architecture implemented for testing: Single server hosting MDB, DSM Domain Manager, Engine and Scalability Server Hardware/Software Specifications DSM Domain Manager, Engine, Scalability Server and MDB Server: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4 Dual Hyper-Threaded 3.19 GHz processor 8 gb RAM (no more than 4GB is required) Agent Simulator Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 Single Pentium III 993 MHz processor 512 mb RAM
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 16 Medium Environment Recommendations/Requirements to replicate performance - Apply database and binary updates (to be included in “Cut 6” of r Reserve 4gb of memory for Microsoft SQL Server on 8GB box -- Initialize the base MDB data file size at 5gb with “Unrestricted growth” enabled -- Initialize the base MDB log file size at 2 gb with “Unrestricted growth” enabled. Up to 50,000 agents Distributed LAN/WAN DMZs and/or firewalls Service level requirements
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 17 Medium Environment Fact versus Fiction: Although it was originally thought to be true based on results from testing with Ingres, deploying dedicated hardware for the MDB and DSM Manager (two servers) does not significantly impact performance. Single server model (MDB installed locally with DSM components) performed as well and in some cases better than the multiple server model. Up to 50,000 agents Distributed LAN/WAN DMZs and/or firewalls Service level requirements
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 18 Medium Environment With previous version, sites planning to manage more that 10,000 to 12,500 nodes were invariably forced to implement an Enterprise architecture. Our results indicate that clients can now choose the less complex, less costly option of implementing a single DSM Domain (provided of course there were no other business or administrative factors that would force separation). Based on test results 25,000 to 35,000 may be viable…. Up to 50,000 agents Distributed LAN/WAN DMZs and/or firewalls Service level requirements …but…
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 19 Medium Environment Limitations to what can be uncovered in simulation tests are well known. Although the test target population was set at 50,000 nodes, this does not imply that such a large single Domain would function adequately in “real world” production. Also note that most testing so far has been focused on database access and update performance as directly related to database population….
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 20 Medium Environment …various other scenarios have not been tested at high population levels and other break points could be unrelated to the number of managed computers alone. For example, policy groups for software deployment may cause delays at relatively low populations but very high linked procedures counts. Test yourself, and check CA sites frequently for latest data and recommendations…
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 21 Medium Environment More commonly, components will be distributed not only for performance and scalability reasons… System Specification: Domain Manager/MDB CPU:Quad 2 GHz RAM:8 GB Disk:200 GB Scalability Server: CPU:Single 2 GHz RAM:2 GB Disk:25-50 GB free
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 22 Network Challenges …but to address a variety of network topology challenges as well (more on this later).
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 23 Some basics still apply Domain Managers and Engines should be electronically close to the MDB. Scalability Servers should be electronically close to the agents
Enterprise Management: Scaling © 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.
25 Medium & Large Environments Given the enhanced performance of the Domain with Microsoft SQL Server, an Enterprise model should not be considered for small environments or most medium environments unless some specialized business or administrative requirements dictate. At this time the replication process is a potential performance obstacle and until that can be addressed properly (planned for r11.2) an Enterprise implementation requires careful consideration and a willingness to adjust architecture based upon measured results.
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 26 One server or two… Although it was originally believed based on results from testing with Ingres that deploying dedicated hardware for the MDB and DSM Manager (two servers) would significantly improve performance the single server model (MDB installed locally with DSM components) performed as well and in some cases better than the multiple server model.. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4 Dual Hyper-Threaded 3.2 GHz processor 8 gb RAM
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 27 The big (really big) picture… DGE, a project planned to build, populate and replicate five DSM Domains with 50,000 computers each in a single Enterprise of 250k was run in Many performance obstacles at the Domain level were found and have been addressed. The replication process itself currently takes a considerable amount of time but major enhancements have been architected and should be implemented in the GM of r11.2 As new test results are generated, they will be posted.
© 2005 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA). All trademarks, trade names, services marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 28 Guidelines presented here were based on Stress Lab Testing. Please understand that because many test plan items could require installation of thousands of systems and agents, a simulation tool known as “Load Tester” was employed. “Load Tester” generates the CAM messages that agents would produce at a very high, configurable rate, “bursting” them onto the network in large batches. Such test results are estimates of actual performance as client network configuration and available capacity impact predicted thruput. DSM r11 From the Stress Lab