EMCal Meeting CERN – July 2 nd 2007 LPSC Status 1 J-F Muraz LPSC Status LPSC Status. Assembly Hall. - Removal starts and is in progress. - Main infrastructure work will be done in November. (floor and wall painting, services installation).
EMCal Meeting CERN – July 2 nd 2007 LPSC Status 2 J-F Muraz Strip Modules handling tool. - Hydraulic strike ordered and delivered in next few days. - Structure scheduled for July in our mechanical workshop. - We do a dummy strip module (real size and weight) in order to test this tool and the SM assembly procedure. LPSC Status LPSC Status.
EMCal Meeting CERN – July 2 nd 2007 LPSC Status 3 J-F Muraz LPSC Status LPSC Status. SM Platform. - Detailed drawings are in progress. - Scheduled in our mechanical workshop for December
EMCal Meeting CERN – July 2 nd 2007 LPSC Status 4 J-F Muraz LPSC Status LPSC Status. SM tilt over mechanism. (needed in vertical Cosmic tests design) - Basic design is in progress. Winch Tilt platform Cable
EMCal Meeting CERN – July 2 nd 2007 LPSC Status 5 J-F Muraz LPSC Status LPSC Status. SM tilt over mechanism. (needed in vertical Cosmic tests design) - Conceptual design is in progress.
EMCal Meeting CERN – July 2 nd 2007 LPSC Status 6 J-F Muraz LPSC Status LPSC Status. Test beam Scintillators paddles: - Done and tested.