City of Abilene Spring Severe Weather Awareness
City of Abilene Severe Weather Awareness A NOAA All Hazards Warning Radio with SAME programming is an effective tool for getting current weather information Specific Area Messaging Codes Specific Area Messaging Codes Taylor County: Taylor County: Jones County: Jones County: Callahan County: Callahan County:
City of Abilene Severe Weather Awareness Tornado Watch - Watch the sky Tornado Warning – A tornado is on the ground Seek shelter immediately
City of Abilene Severe Weather Awareness Tornado Safety – Get low and stay low Seek shelter immediately Seek shelter immediately Go to an interior room Go to an interior room Leave your mobile home to a designated shelter Leave your mobile home to a designated shelter Never stay inside a car – leave the car and lie flat in a ravine Never stay inside a car – leave the car and lie flat in a ravine
City of Abilene Severe Weather Awareness Flash floods can occur quickly Avoid flooded areas Avoid flooded areas Do not attempt to cross flowing Do not attempt to cross flowing water water If your vehicle stalls, seek If your vehicle stalls, seek higher ground immediately higher ground immediately Be especially cautious at night Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers when it is harder to recognize flood dangers
City of Abilene Severe Weather Awareness Never drive around a flood barrier on a road
City of Abilene Severe Weather Awareness Lightning can strike as far as 10 miles from the rain area in a thunderstorm If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance of lightning When you hear thunder, go indoors or get inside a vehicle
City of Abilene Severe Weather Awareness Do you want us to call you in an emergency? Give us your number today Click on: