29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR1 Welcome Eric Bakker Who is and will attend Objectives Agenda Specific tasks: –List of questions –Risk factors –Follow up actions Logistics
29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR2 Attendance
29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR3 Objectives We are discussion the PRIMA astrometry knowledge chain Up to today, we have made an inventory of all the work to be done Now it is time to decide which parts to continue, to redistribute tasks, and be more focussed. CDR: rebalance efforts and pursue focus
29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR4 Agenda WednesdayESO update Error Budget Calibration and observation strategy/plan BBQ ThursdayDRS OPS ESO lead session Wine and cheese FridayScience team
29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR5 List of questions
29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR6 Identify risks TBD
29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR7 How to proceed PDR Week of February 2005 Keep bi-weekly telecom, but need more –regular internal coordination meetings on a specific topic......
29 September 2004PRIMA AOS CDR8 Logistics You have all your own office Be flexible and interactive This is not a formal review BBQ logistics Wedding issues