Digital Image Processing Chapter 4: Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
Background The French mathematiian Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Born in 1768 Published Fourier series in 1822 Fourier ’ s ideas were met with skepticism Fourier series Any periodical function can be expressed as the sum of sines and/or cosines of different frequencies, each multiplied by a different coefficient
Fourier transform Functions can be expressed as the integral of sines and/or cosines multiplied by a weighting function Functions expressed in either a Fourier series or transform can be reconstructed completely via an inverse process with no loss of information
Applications Heat diffusion Fast Fourier transform (FFT) developed in the late 1950s
Introduction to the Fourier Transform and the Frequency Domain The one-dimensional Fourier transform and its inverse Fourier transform Inverse Fourier transform
Two variables Fourier transform Inverse Fourier transform
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) Original variable Transformed variable
DFT The discrete Fourier transform and its inverse always exist f(x) is finite in the book
Sines and cosines
Time domain Time components Frequency domain Frequency components
Fourier transform and a glass prism Prism Separates light into various color components, each depending on its wavelength (or frequency) content Fourier transform Separates a function into various components, also based on frequency content Mathematical prism
Polar coordinates Real part Imaginary part
Magnitude or spectrum Phase angle or phase spectrum Power spectrum or spectral density
Some references e/other/dft/ e/other/dft/ R2/fourier.htm R2/fourier.htm
Examples test_fft.c test_fft.c fft.h fft.h fft.c fft.c Fig4.03(a).bmp Fig4.03(a).bmp test_fig2.bmp test_fig2.bmp