MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 1 Status of MICE.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 1 Status of MICE

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 2  - STEP I: April 2007 = 421 days away! STEP II: October 2007 PHASE I  Important pending questions: 1. Can we live without one --or both –- of the Cherenkovs? 2.How do we do trigger and DAQ?

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 3 preparations for PHASE I - Step I -- beam line:.. PSI solenoid arrived to RAL in december! Cryogenics ordered... target test now scheduled for june tuning and correction abilities being worked on to generate all emittances and momenta required.. diffuser position and mechanism close to concluded -- TOF work underway, scintillator and PMs purchased for TOF0, and test at Frascati in June complete strategy for TOF+ MUCAL w/o Cherenkov(s) being simulated;  exact design and size of calorimeter will be decided at Osaka meeting end of fabruary... in the process: software for particle ID, reconstruction of identified tracks. Full G4MICE beginning to produce actual physics results! (only tracker performance or RF noise so far)

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 4 preparations for PHASE I - Step I (Ctd) -- trigger, DAQ and event processing Much progress in understanding the solution for the readout electronics: seems to exist at least one solution, perhaps more (ALICE, CAEN, etc…) Controls and monitoring: progress in definition of requirements and how to fulfill them dedicated workshop at Fermilab next week. Will present solution at Osaka meeting.

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 5 Preparation of PHASE I - STEP II -- spectrometer solenoid is funded... tendering for SC-cable and construction in progress -- tracker.. prototype tests in KEK revealed lower light yield than expected. this is not-so easy to understand, but good progress: -- mapping of fibers -- mechanical mis-alignment of connectors and light guides.. ready to purchase fibers -- installation and cabling issues -- analysis: form run plan, reconstruction of « beam», emittance and transmission and tools. -- safety review for H2 system: all OK except Hazop seen as little light; should be finalized with an external consultant.

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 6 Preparation of PHASE I - STEP II (Ctd) -- TOF2 -- a justification of TOF2 for INFN is needed. this is being worked on by the Analysis group – to be delivered by the Osaka meeting. -- the schedule to arrive with TOF2 in october 2007 is OK

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 7 from Technical Specification: MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Magnets Fabrication, Assembly, Test and Shipping

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 8 at this point MICE (PhaseI) is an approved and funded project in 6 countries -- UK: 9.7M£ (phase I) PhaseII request and RF programme being prepared. -- USA: funding from the NFMCC (DOE baseline scenario 4.125M$) +RF source + NSF grant 300k$ + MRI grant 750k$. -- Japan: US-Japan ~$100k/yr, UK-Japan (travel funds) (+ 1M$ requested) -- Switzerland: PSI solenoid + Uni-Geneva-NSwissF (80KCHF/yr)+ 1 PDA+1PhDS pending requests: Coupling coil, CERN RF -- Netherlands: Mag probes (in production!) + 1 PhDS -- Italy (TOF, Calorimeter) Previous Summary of funding situation:

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 9 Funding NEWS – towards Phase II 1. bring step III forward 2. ensure Step V MAIN ISSUE: COUPLING COILS!

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 10 The NFMCC has asked for $975K from DOE FY06 Supplemental Funds for a coupling coil for MUCOOL (not MICE, but supports the R&D for MICE). Don Summers (Mississipi) has submitted an MRI proposal to NSF for the same item. (Each agency was informed of the other request, so there should be coordination if they wish to move forward.) The NFMCC has also requested $350K of DOE FY06 Supplemental Funds for, in effect, MICE exploitation (design, commissioning, operation, and analysis). This would be for post-docs at universities primarily. We submitted requests under the Neutrino Initiative as well, again for post-docs, but not for MICE as we were told not to ask for the same items here that were asked for via Supplemental Funds. MZ’s belief is that our fortunes are heavily linked to the recommendations of the AARD panel. Thus far, the only supplemental funding we ever got was $400K two years ago. Probability will be low unless the Marx Subpanel promotes our cause, I'd (MZ) guess. US NFMCC (Zisman) Funding NEWS – towards Phase II

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 11 Funding NEWS – towards Phase II CH 1.2MCHF bid for coupling coil was refused: « wrong programme, too early » UK: Additional £100k from CCLRC Well Found Laboratory fund. Used to make purchases for tracker with an attribution that frees ~$175k from Japanese/US budgets and can be used to advance purchase of second solenoid. Japan: The Japanese MICE group, are requesting funds of about 1.1 Oku Yen for 4 years ( ) for the Grant-in-Aid (called Kaken-Hi) in Ministry of Education. Review of documents soon, presentation in spring, and we will know the result in early summer, 2006.

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 12 MICE and neutrino factory in the global EU picture -- strong neutrino community support for R&D towards a major neutrino infrastructure that could be located in Europe -- preparing for powerful FP7 bid via BENE/ISS in this should appear: technical preparatory (R&D) projects, aiming at demonstrating: the existence of at least one adequate choice of target an extended lifetime of the horn prototypes at high rate and radiation muon ionization cooling, by completion of the MICE experimental program operation of a non-scaling FFAG RF cavities and kicker magnets for fast manipulation of muon beams

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel 13

MICE CMPB 3-Feb-2006 Alain Blondel The collaboration is making excellent progress in all fronts. Manpower is never in excess (simulations and optics, electronics, beam line, engineering support…) 2. The funding for phase I is essentially complete only Cherenkov II remains a question, we are working on understanding if we really need it. 3. The funding for phase II is being prepared. We have a baseline solution for MICE up to step V but it will be late. Hard work is ongoing to assure that step VI can be performed in good time for the decision making-year Conclusions