2011 Overall Objectives Contributing toward limiting Violence against Women, and fostering the role of the NCHR in combating VAW focusing on domestic violence, and women with disabilities. Expected Outcome Strengthening the capacity of Justice Sector in Jordan on Gender based violence Project End 2012 Project Start
1- Fostering the aim of protecting women rights as a theme of Human Rights in harmony with Arab and Islamic culture within the framework of related International Standards. Conduct a multidisciplinary workshop tackling at least (35) Judges, prosecutors, PSD Cadres Strengthen the Justice system ability to prevent and respond to VAW Action plan (Description and Activities) 2- Increase awareness of gender equality and Human Rights Conduct a training workshop tackling (25) participants representing women and girls personnel at shelters and rehabilitation Centers specialized for women in Jordan, as well the psychologists and medical care personnel Specialized training for women and girls Shelters personnel, psychologists and medical care personnel. ActivityDescription
4-mapping the situation of violated women in Jordan in legislations and in practice mapping study Executing a national study on VAW from legal prospective and practice in comparison with International Standards. ActivityDescription 3- Activate the role of NCHR enforcing gender equality 3.1. Launching the projectOn the national level explaining the significance of coordination in the field of combating VAW 3.2. conduct a national seminar to share best practices concerning VAW National seminar 5-Raising awareness of media to confront this phenomenon 5.1. Specialized Media representatives training Conduct a training workshop for Media representatives tackling (25) participants on VAW According to the International Standards Action plan (Description and Activities)
JudgesProsecutors. Law enforcement. Officials from public Security Directorate / Family Protection Department. Employees of Social protection institutions/ Ministry of Social Development. The government and non-governmental employees and management of women’s and girl’s shelters. Civil Society organizations engaged in combating Violence against Women Media representatives. Psychologists. Medical care personnel. Target categories:
Identification of Trainers 1 Family protection Department / public security directorate. 2 Women shelters/ Ministry of Social Development. 3 National centre for Forensic Medicine/ Ministry of Health. 4 Ministry of Justice/ Judiciary council 5 Psycho-social experts 6 Jordan Media Institute 7 Arab Women Media Centre
Memoranda of Understanding with targeted agencies National Centre for Human Rights (NCHR ) signed a Memoranda of Understanding with the following agencies:
National Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) Ministry of Interior (MOI) Ministry of Social Development (MOSD) Jordan National Commission for women (JNCW) Public security Department (PSD)
Adapted training content, Materials and programmes
Pass on knowledge. Pass on knowledge. Modify attitudes. Modify attitudes. Transmit valuable skills. Transmit valuable skills. Adapted training content, Materials and programmes
A Information meetings training: Dealing with general aspects of Violence and proving the basis for the specific training practice. A Information meetings training: Dealing with general aspects of Violence and proving the basis for the specific training practice. Material contents: Relating to individual / professional target groups Material contents: Relating to individual / professional target groups 1.Concept of Human Rights. 2.International conventions related to women’s rights. 3.Forms of violence against women. 4.Violence against women according to the international standards. 5.International and National means of combating violence against women. 6.Impact and consequences of violence. Adapted training content, Materials and programmes
A Information meetings training: Dealing with general aspects of Violence and proving the basis for the specific training practice. A Information meetings training: Dealing with general aspects of Violence and proving the basis for the specific training practice. Material contents: Relating to individual / professional target groups Material contents: Relating to individual / professional target groups 7.Services provided by different bodies (governmental and non-governmental) to eliminate VAW. 8.Mechanisms of reporting … 9.Social-psycho problems related to violence against women. 10.Women killing crimes. 11.Quality standards for women and girl’s shelters, counselling centres, intervention centres. Adapted training content, Materials and programmes
12.The role of Media in dealing with VAW phenomenon. 13.The process of seeking help and the social context of violence against women. 14.Impact and consequences of violence against women. 15.Legal basis and information. A Information meetings training: Dealing with general aspects of Violence and proving the basis for the specific training practice. A Information meetings training: Dealing with general aspects of Violence and proving the basis for the specific training practice. Material contents: Relating to individual / professional target groups Material contents: Relating to individual / professional target groups Adapted training content, Materials and programmes
. B The specific training practice: An extension of the informative meetings training (A), addressing the particular needs of the individual professional groups. B The specific training practice: An extension of the informative meetings training (A), addressing the particular needs of the individual professional groups. The Target group here: 1.Law enforcement professionals. 2.Judicial professionals Adapted training content, Materials and programmes
In addition to the implementation of the information meetings training (A) that provides the basis for training practice for the law enforcement professionals, the material contents are as follows:- Specific training practice for law enforcement professionals
Aim: to enhance awareness of indication pointing to a higher risk of violence. a)Psychological situation of victims : b) Assessing dangerousness : c) Interviewing victims: Aim: to understand their plight, action and reaction Aim: to sensitize police officers to the plight of victims and develop and practice the necessary skills for questioning the victims. Specific training practice for law enforcement professionals
Aim: to give a police information on applicable legal provisions covering: Applicable criminal law Measures provided for under criminal law and civil law to afford protection from violence. d) Professional and victim–oriented intervention: Aim: to stimulate a police intervention and review the insight gained. e) Legal bases guideline for the police intervention Specific training practice for law enforcement professionals
Specific training practice for judicial professionals In addition to the implementation of the information meetings training (A) that provides the basis for training practice for the judicial professionals, the material contents are as follows:-
Aim: to enhance awareness of indications pointing to a higher risk of violence. a) The psychological situation of Victims of Domestic Violence. Aim: to better understand their plight action and reaction. b) Strategies of perpetrators of Violence Aim: to raise awareness of perpetrator of strategies and to develop counter strategies. c) Assessing dangerousness : Specific training practice for judicial professionals
Aims: to raise awareness of the importance civil law action to protect the victims, and of the situation of victims during the civil law and criminal law proceedings. d) Victim witness testimony in court Aims: To sensitize state prosecutors and judges to the plight of victims. To develop and practice the necessary skills for questioning the victims. Provides information on the necessary elements in the questioning of victims e) The victim in : Civil court. The criminal court.
It is left up to the trainers to gauge the details of the practical training material to the specific needs of professional group concerned. Supplementary Materials: Handouts: that consist of a number of work sheets for the participants to use during the practical exercises.