Snapshot of Photon + MET Trigger Studies Bruce Schumm, SCIPP/UCSC SUSY-EtMiss Subgroup Meeting 24 November 2010
Significant Transition: MGM to GGM Tevatron analysis based on “Snowmass Points and Slopes” trajectory that is essentially Minimal Gauge Mediation (MGM) MGM ties strong (gluino) and EW (neutralino) partner scales together, and leads to very massive gluino Tevatron analyses exploited weak production (lot of data at low energy); sets limits on neutralino mass MGM not particularly well motivated look at Generalized Gauge Mediation (GGM) which decouples strong, EW scales Re-cast in terms of limits in M g -M plane for each of three possible neutralino species: Bino-, Wino-, Higgsino-like
Bino-Like Neutralino Grid For Bino-like neutralino, two photons + MET is most promising but lose coverage if hadronic activity is required (jets, HT, etc.) No visible jet activity when M g ~ M Desecrated plot thanks to Shih/Ruderman, ArXiv D0 Limit
p T of photons M bino = 150 – 580 GeV M gluino = 600GeV ( = 0.26pb ) M bino = 200 GeV M gluino=400–700GeV ( =6–0.07 pb) BR doesn’t change ~ 80% p T of photons ~ similar BR changes vs. M bino: 90% (M bino = 150GeV) 65% (M bino = 580GeV) p T of photons! Photon p T can be soft for M small
Production cross-section (7TeV) Wino - like Neutralino: |M2|<< and |M2| < |M1| Natural for photon+lepton channel Not shown: Higgsino, which has no photonic decay TRIGGERS?
Back to Bino-like case… Summary for grid points we have generated so far. Results are out of 1000 events Some inefficiency for M = M g – 30 (haven’t yet explored) What about E T dependence?
Close to 2g20_loose would be close to knee (remember that current limit is below this, at 150 GeV)
Tentative Conclusions for Bino-Like Case We are probably OK for 2g20_loose, and perhaps even 2g25_loose (need to run through M = 150 case) Tight electron trigger 90% efficient For e control sample (background estimation), gXX_loose eXX_tight where XX is value of 2g trigger above, should be fine. What about a quick peek at non-pointing photons?
GMSB2 sample: c ~ 10s of cm What about non-photon triggers? Looking into it…
Summary and Conclusions Pending a look at M = 150 GeV, proposed 2011 triggers seem workable for Bino case Other cases (Wino, Higgsino) being looked into Non-pointing photons don’t seem to be captured with photon triggers; what about others? Looking into that also.
Sorry – that’s all folks…