Intelligent Diagnosis Systems Meir Kalech
Course Outline 1. Intelligent diagnosis systems 2. Model-based diagnosis: basics and definitions 3. Resolution theorem prover 4. Diagnosis of multiple faults: general diagnosis engine GDE 5. Assumption-based truth maintenance system 6. Measurements to differentiating diagnosis
Course Outline cont. 7. Diagnosis with behavior modes 8. Self-Configuring Systems 9. Model-based diagnosis as a constraints satisfaction problem 10. Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems 11. Diagnosis of distributed systems 12. Diagnosis of multi-agent systems
Today Outline 1. What is a diagnosis? 2. Expert systems 3. Model-based systems 4. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) 5. Inductive learning 6. Probabilistic reasoning
What is a diagnosis? Diagnosis system identifies the reason for a problem by examining observed symptoms. Requirement: a knowledge of the diagnosed system Given by experts Learned by AI techniques Examples for diagnosis domains: Disease diagnosis Identification of software and hardware problems Troubleshooting of electrical and mechanical systems Fault detection and diagnosis of planning
Example Doesn’ t start!!! 1. Ignition 2. battery 3. both
Example What should I do? ¬battery ¬headlights Check headlights
Example Components: Battery Bulbs (headlight) Wiper motor Ignition Possible observation: Headlights work/don’t Engine starts/doesn’t Wipers work/don’t
Diagnosis objectives How to infer consequent diagnosis from observation? How to model the relationship between symptoms and diagnosis? How to diagnose faults from the model?
Different approaches These objectives are differently treated by different approaches, for instance: Model-based diagnosis must have precise model of the system (i.e. car). Expert systems treat incomplete model (medical diagnosis). Case-based reasoning represents the knowledge in a repository of cases.
Outline 1. What is a diagnosis? 2. Expert systems 3. Model-based systems 4. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) 5. Inductive learning 6. Probabilistic reasoning
Expert Systems Knowledge is represented via rules Rules express what happens when certain conditions met: If….Then statements Implications A → B Rules tell expert system what to do in certain circumstances
Knowledge Representation Recommendations Take set of inputs and output advice Example: If alarm AND smoke then tell people go outside Directives Take set of inputs and output direct action Example:If smoke AND fire then go outside Relations Take set of inputs and output information Example: If temperature below 32° then weather is cold
Rule-based Systems Rule-based/Production system Use rules to provide recommendations/diagnoses Use rules to determine course of action Use rules to solve a particular problem Consists of: Knowledge base – database of rules Database of facts Interpreter/ inference engine
16 Architecture
17 Elements of an Expert System User interface – mechanism by which user and system communicate. Exploration facility – explains reasoning of expert system to user. Working memory – global database of facts used by rules. Inference engine – makes inferences deciding which rules are satisfied and prioritizing.
Inference engine Conclusions derived using deduction Forward chaining – using deduction from set of antecedents Backward chaining – starts with conclusion and works towards logical set of antecedents
Forward Chaining Data-driven reasoning Starts with data set and moves towards conclusion When all antecedents matched, rule is triggered and conclusion added to facts database Conflict resolution Occurs when more than one conclusion deduced from facts
Conflict resolution: 1. Priority resolution Each rule given a priority level Rule with highest priority triggered Example: IF patient has pain THEN prescribe painkillers (priority 10) If patient has chest pain THEN treat for heart disease (priority 100)
Conflict resolution: 2. Longest-matching strategy Conclusion deduced from longest rule triggered Example: If patient has pain THEN prescribe painkillers If patient has chest pain AND patient is over 60 AND patient has history of heart conditions THEN take to emergency room
Conflict resolution: 3. Most recent match Rule that matches facts most recently added to database fired Example: If patient has pain THEN prescribe aspirin (entered 10/17/1975) If patient has pain THEN prescribe acetomenophin (entered 11/1/2000)
Backward Chaining Goal-driven reasoning Starts with a conclusion/hypothesis and moves to show hypothesis can be reached from rules and facts in database Used in formulating plans
FC vs BC Forward chaining appropriate when: Set of facts available but conclusion unknown Many possible conclusions Backward chaining appropriate when: Few possible conclusions but many possible facts Possible facts consist many not relevant to conclusion
FC vs BC Example Rules: 1.A ^ B → C 2.A → D 3.C ^ D → E 4.B ^ E ^ F → G 5.A ^ E → H 6.D ^ E ^ H → I Facts: 1.A 2.B 3.F Goal = H Forward Chaining Facts Rules triggered Rules fired A,B,F 1,2 1 A,B,C,F 2 2 A,B,C,D,F 3 3 A,B,C,D,E,F 4,5 4 A,B,C,D,E,F,G 5 5 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H Goal Reached!
FC vs BC Example Rules: 1.A ^ B → C 2.A → D 3.C ^ D → E 4.B ^ E ^ F → G 5.A ^ E → H 6.D ^ E ^ H → I Facts: 1.A 2.B 3.F Goal = H Backward Chaining Facts Goals Matching Rules A,B,F H 5 A,B,F E 3 A,B,F C,D 1 A,B,C,F D 2 A,B,C,D,F STOP!
Example: rule-based diagnosis
Forward chaining 1.Headlights don’t work 2.Faulty bulbs and/or battery 3.Faulty battery Working memory:Rules fire: 1 2 No rule matches Rule 2 is close: Querying the user: Status of engine Response: Engine doesn’t start No further matched rules faulty battery
Problem!!! 1.Headlights don’t work 2.Faulty bulbs and/or battery 3.Faulty battery 4.Wipers work Working memory:Rules fire: 1212 No further matched rules faulty battery faulty ignition AND faulty bulbs Is not covered by the knowledge system BUT! By adding this fact…
The Limitations of Rules The success of rule-based expert systems is due to several factors: They can mimic some human problem-solving strategies Rules are a part of everyday life, so people can relate to them However, a significant limitation is the knowledge elicitation bottleneck Experts may be unable to articulate their expertise Heuristic knowledge is particularly difficult Experts may be too busy…
Challenges The knowledge must be covered by the experts. Representing the knowledge to efficient rules. Chose the appropriate inference mechanism. Diagnosing multiple faulty components.
Outline 1. What is a diagnosis? 2. Expert systems 3. Model-based systems 4. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) 5. Inductive learning 6. Probabilistic reasoning
Model-based systems Expert systems – complete model is unavailable (medical diagnosis) Model-based systems – the physical principles are largely known (automobile diagnosis) Formulating rules to capture the causal functional knowledge. Describing the properly working components. For instance: if ok(battery) AND ok(ignition) THEN start(engine) If engine doesn’t start then infer by truth maintenance system (TMS) that battery or ignition are faulty.
Scenario – example for ATMS reasoning A goes to a birthday party of B. B is a woman. All women love flowers. A decides to give flowers to B. C tells A that B is allergic to flowers. A buys to B a gum.
Some logic… C = common knowledge (facts & rules) A = assumptions D = C A (DataBase) Explanation for p: minimal E' ⊆ A: E' C ⊨ p Suppose a new fact q. since D contains assumptions that may contradict q, we should identify them. We find all explanation for ¬q in D: {E' 1,E' 2 …E' n }. Then we find a minimal set H such that: ∀ E' i ∈ {E' 1,E' 2 …E' n }: H ∩ E' i != {} (hitting set). H: the minimal set of assumption that contradict q.
Example for MBD
Observations (facts): ¬works(headlights) ∧ ¬starts(engine) ∧ works(wipers) we should find explanations to works(headlights), and starts(engine). Explanations: E’ 1 (works(headlights))={ok(battery),ok(bulbs)} E’ 2 (starts(engine))={ok(battery),ok(ignition)} Diagnosis: H={ok(battery)} H={ok(bulbs),ok(ignition)} Example for MBD ¬works(wipers)
It is not always feasible to build an accurate model Inferring the diagnosis is computationally intractable in complex systems. Improvements: Less accurate model Less accurate diagnosis MBD - drawbacks
Outline 1. What is a diagnosis? 2. Expert systems 3. Model-based systems 4. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) 5. Inductive learning 6. Probabilistic reasoning
Another Way We Solve Problems? By remembering how we solved a similar problem in the past This is Case Based Reasoning (CBR) memory-based problem-solving re-using past experiences Experts often find it easier to relate stories about past cases rather than to formulate rules
Databases Database technology would seem ideally suited to the task of retrieving known solutions to problems Databases are excellent at finding exact matches… But are poor at near or fuzzy matches
The CBR CycleSolution Review Retain Adapt Retrieve Similar New Problem
R 4 Cycle Retrieve the cases from the case-base whose problem is most similar to the new problem. Reuse the solutions from the retrieved cases to create a proposed solution for the new problem. Revise the proposed solution to take account of the problem differences between the new problem and the problems in the retrieved cases. Retain the new problem and its revised solution as a new case for the case-base if appropriate.
CBR Assumption(s) The main assumption is that: Similar problems have similar solutions: e.g., an aspirin can be taken for any mild pain Two other assumptions: The world is a regular place: what holds true today will probably hold true tomorrow (e.g., if you have a headache, you take aspirin, because it has always helped) Situations repeat: if they do not, there is no point in remembering them (e.g., it helps to remember how you found a parking space near that restaurant)
Problems We Solve This Way Medicine doctor remembers previous patients, especially for rare combinations of symptoms Law English/US law depends on precedence case histories are consulted Management decisions are often based on past rulings Financial performance is predicted by past results
Good / Bad Applications for CBR Classification tasks (good for CBR) Diagnosis - what type of fault is this? Prediction / estimation - what happened when we saw this pattern before? Synthesis tasks (harder for CBR) Engineering Design Planning Scheduling
Retrieval by indices Scoring function: DB of 3 cases:
Retrieval by indices Degree of match is the sum of score: New DB:
Car Diagnosis Example Symptoms are observed Engine does not start Battery voltage = 7v Goal Cause of failure: flat battery Repair strategy: charge battery
Car Diagnosis Case Each case describes one diagnostic situation Described by a list of features Contains a list of feature values Problem Symptom: headlight does not work Car: Ford Mondeo Year: 2001 Solution Diagnosis: headlight fuse blown Repair: replace headlight fuse Battery: 10.4v Headlights: undamaged HeadlightSwitch: on FeatureValue Case 1
Case 2 Case 1 Car Diagnosis Case-Base A collection of independent cases Problem Symptom: headlight does not work Car: Ford Mondeo Year: 2001 Solution Diagnosis: headlight fuse blown Repair: replace headlight fuse Problem Symptom: headlight does not work Car: Ford Ka Year: 2003 Solution Diagnosis: defective bulb Repair: replace headlight Battery: 10.4v Headlights: undamaged HeadlightSwitch: on Battery: 9.5v Headlights: surface damage HeadlightSwitch: on
Case Representation Depends on problem domain Flat structure A list of feature values (car diagnosis example) Easy to store and retrieve Specialised representations Graphs - nodes and arcs Plans - partially ordered set of actions Object-oriented - objects (instances of classes) More difficult to store and retrieve
Case Representation Object-oriented representation: A case is a set of objects An object is described by a set of features Classes are arranged in a hierarchy Relations between objects (e.g. part-of) Combine similarities of parts Car BrakesEngine Transmission Ignition SystemFuel Injection CoilSpark Plug Colour: dark grey Gap: 1.2mm
A new problem is a case without a solution part Not all problem features must be known same for cases Problem Symptom: brakelight does not work Car: Ford Fiesta Year: 1997 New Car Diagnosis Problem Battery: 9.2v Headlights: undamaged HeadlightSwitch: ? Feature Value New
Calculating Feature Similarity Distances between values of individual features problem and case have values p and c for feature f Distance for Numeric features d f (problem,case) = |p - c|/(max difference) Distance for Symbolic features d f (problem,case)= 0 if p = c 1 otherwise Similarity f (problem,case) = 1 - d Degree of similarity is between 0 and 1
Calculating Case Similarity Similarity(problem,case) = weighted sum of Similarity f (problem,case) for all features f High importance features have large weight symptom, battery, headlights weight = 6 Low importance features have low weight car, year weight = 1 Case similarity = s i is similarity of i th feature w i is weight of i th feature w 1 *s 1 + w 2 * s 2 + …… + w n *s n w 1 + w 2 + …… + w n
New Problem and Case 1 New Problem Symptom: brakelight does not work Car: Ford Fiesta Year: 1997 Battery: 9.2v Headlights: undamaged HeadlightSwitch: ? weight = 61 Problem Symptom: headlight does not work Car: Ford Mondeo Year: 2001 Battery: 10.4v Headlights: undamaged HeadlightSwitch: on Solution Diagnosis: headlight fuse blown Repair: replace headlight fuse Similarity(New, Case 1) = 6* * * * * = 17.4 / 20 = 0.87 Similarity Case 1
New Problem Symptom: brakelight does not work Car: Ford Fiesta Year: 1997 Battery: 9.2v Headlights: undamaged HeadlightSwitch: ? weight = 61 Problem Symptom: headlight does not work Car: Ford Ka Year: 2003 Battery: 9.5v Headlights: surface damage HeadlightSwitch: on Solution Diagnosis: defective bulb Repair: replace headlight Similarity(New, Case 2) = 6* * * * * = / 20 = 0.59 Case 2 Similarity New Problem and Case 2
Reuse Solution from Case 1 New Problem Symptom: brakelight does not work Car: Ford Fiesta Year: 1997 Battery: 9.2v Headlights: undamaged HeadlightSwitch: ? Case 1 Problem Symptom: headlight does not work … Solution Diagnosis: headlight fuse blown Repair: replace headlight fuse Solution to New Problem Diagnosis: headlight fuse blown Repair: replace headlight fuse After Adaptation Diagnosis: brakelight fuse blown Repair: replace brakelight fuse
Characteristics and drawbacks Characteristics 1. No accurate model 2. No rule-based representation, But: repository of cases. Drawbacks: 1. High computational cost of: Retrieval. DB organization. 2. Not guarantee to provide complete diagnosis
Outline 1. What is a diagnosis? 2. Expert systems 3. Model-based systems 4. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) 5. Inductive learning 6. Probabilistic reasoning
Inductive learning systems Previous approaches try to model the system Diagnosis inference based on the model In inductive learning approach the model is learned from examples. Diagnosis inference based on the relationships between symptoms and diagnoses. The system induces an appropriate set of classification rules.
Formally: (I k,C k ) In the domain of diagnosis: Challenge: to learn an accurate description of a class from a representative set of examples. C k ∈ C (C: set of possible classes) I k : instance like vector of attributes I k : observed symptoms C k ∈ C (C: set of possible diagnosis)
Training set In this representation multiple faults are not addressed For some cases multiple faults could be addressed by Sequentially isolating single faults
Multiple fault - training set In this representation we need much larger training set
Generalization Generalization is the ability of the inductive learning system to classify new instance. Factors: Size of training examples. The distribution of the training examples. The representation of the instances and classes.
Decision tree (ID3) ID3 algorithm provides a way to learn classification rules represented by decision tree. Leaf nodes: represent the classes (diagnoses). Internal nodes: represent the attributes (symptoms).
ID3 algorithm The goal of ID3 is to generate a decision tree as small as possible. This will require fewer attributes tests. Recursively select attributes that yield the maximum information gain.
ID3 algorithm n 1 and n 2 are the number of examples in the training set of class 1 and class 2 (should be generalized to n 3 …) The expected information from attribute A to be the root: Where are the number of examples of the training set belong to class 1 and class 2 and have a value of A i.
ID3 algorithm The information gained by testing the value of attribute A is: Recursively, at each step of the tree, ID3 computes the information gain of the untested attributes and chooses the attribute with the maximum information gain.
Example: ID3 algorithm (based on TS in page 59) 3 attributes: Engine, Headlights, Wipers 4 classes: 1. Faulty Bulbs 2. Faulty Battery 3. Faulty Wiper motor 4. Faulty Ignition The distribution of the examples are (1,1,2,2) Equation 1:
Example: ID3 algorithm (based on TS in page 59) Equation 2: Equation 3:
Example: ID3 algorithm (based on TS in page 59) Much compact tree than the one in page 61. We can construct rules for expert system.
Outline 1. What is a diagnosis? 2. Expert systems 3. Model-based systems 4. Case Based Reasoning (CBR) 5. Inductive learning 6. Probabilistic reasoning
Probabilistic Reasoning Once we do not know the truth value of an attribute (symptom) for certain, we can model its uncertainty. The training set uses for getting the distributions of the data. The chosen class (fault) is the most likely given the attribute values.
Probabilistic Reasoning - Notation X={X 1, X 2 …X n } : set of observations (symptoms) variables Example: Headlights, engine and wipers. Each of X i takes a value from: X={x 1,x 2,…,x n } Example: X 2 - engine takes the value “starts”. P(X): the probability that the random variables in X take the values X. P(x i ): the probability that the random variable X i takes the value x i. {C 1, C 1,…, C m }: set of classes (possible faults). Example: Faulty bulbs, faulty battery, faulty motor, faulty ignition.
Model Given a particular input X, by using Bayes rule we can calculate the likelihood of each class C i : where: Now, the classification of X can be performed by choosing the class C k that maximize the likelihood: (6) (7)
Model For the random variables X 1, X 2,X 3 that observed taken the values x 1,x 2,x 3, Eq.6 can be represented: We should calculate the conditional and unconditional probabilities: For large number of attributes it is intractable. (8)
Model Assumption: conditional independence of the observations (symptoms): Bayes rule for m classes involving 3 symptoms is: (9)
Example – based on TS in page 59 Based on the training set we can infer (P(C i )): For Eq.9 we need to calculate the conditional probabilities of each one of the symptoms. For instance: Given faulty bulbs, the probability that headlights will not work is 1: P(¬H|¬Ba) P(¬E|¬Ba): since there is no causal relationship between engine and Bulbs we can say that: P(¬E|¬Ba)=P(¬E)=3/6=0.5
Example – based on TS in page 59 Given a certain input: wipers work (W), headlights don’t work (¬H), engine doesn’t start (¬E), the probability for faulty Bulbs (¬Bu): (10)
Example – based on TS in page 59 The probabilities for other faulty classes: Faulty Ignition is the diagnosis with the highest probability.
Conclusion Diagnosis is a classification problem, where: symptoms = attributes and faults = classes. We learned several approaches: 1. Expert systems. 2. Model-based diagnosis. 3. Case-based reasoning. 4. Inductive learning systems. 5. Probabilistic reasoning.