The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington1 What the Digerati Know INFO/CSE100, Fall 2006 Fluency in Information Technology
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington2 Questions from last class Podcast in iTunes
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington3 Readings and References Reading –Fluency with Information Technology »Chapter 2, What the Digerati Know
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington4 Learning New Tools How do we learn to use new tools? –Be taught their use by someone else -- car, bicycle, etc… –Reading the owner’s manual -- chain saw –Passive Observance -- vending machine –Figure them out ourselves -- CD player
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington5 Quick Software Learning Software designers want you to learn ASAP How? : They try for “intuitive” usage –Consistent Interfaces -- build in experience –Suggestive icons and Metaphors -- bypass terminology
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington6 Intuitive Design? Could you do better?
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington7 Consistent Interfaces Cars –What would you do if they were all different? Software –Functions look like another –Software programs looks like eachother –Re-Use ideas - what others have done
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington8 Consistent Interfaces Most modern applications File and Edit menus with standard commands
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington9 Same, but on a Mac
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington10 Consistent Interfaces
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington11 Computers use Metaphors Some familiar computer metaphors –Desktop (folders, inboxes, etc…) –Tree (root, branches, leaves) –Stoplights red = stop or error
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington12 Dance Dance Revolution What makes it easy to use?
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington13 Menus What does “New” Mean? Most applications have the concept of a document with: –Attributes: date created, date modified, creator, … –Content: image, text, sound “New” means create a ‘blank instance’ of a document for this application –A document has attributes as well as content »All stored in one file with a place for anything »A ‘blank instance’ is simply the structure with some of the attributes filled in but without any of the content
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington14 “Click Around” Software designers use standard ideas to make applications intuitive To learn a new application, check it out by clicking around –Take a minute to familiarize… »Look under all menus to see operations »Follow the “…” for menu operations »Try to recognize what the icons mean Clicking around is Exploration! :)
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington15 A New Application
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington16 Lets “Click Around” with Audacity Audacity –1st - What does it do: –2nd - Lets see if we can learn by “clicking around”
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington17 “Blazing Away” Learn an application fast by trying it! Beginning with a new instance, assertively try menu items –Expect to fail and make a mess –Exit the application and if you are asked to “Save?” reply “No” –Don’t be afraid of “breaking it” –Try repeatedly until becoming familiar
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington18 What does BBEdit Do? All I know is it is a text editor… Lets learn more by “blazing away”
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington19 What else can I do to learn? Some times programs are intuitive –Easily teach yourself the application –Do so by familiarizing with features by “Clicking Around” –Assertively try out the features: »“Blaze Away” observing what they do »Be efficient -- stay focused, don’t type a lot when you expect to exit What now, help?
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington20 Built-in Help The help menu is very handy
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington21 Ask questions interactively
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington22 Online Tutorials Where do they come from? –Expert organizations –Online Magazines Different Formats –Interactive tools –Step by step examples Often used as references –Might support a user community - example UW Computing ThunderbirdThunderbird Things to consider: –Are they up-to-date? –Are they selling something?
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington23 Example Online Tutorials Skype Tutorial (3rd Party) – Made-Easy.htmhttp:// Made-Easy.htm Skype Online Help (Application Vendor) –
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington24 Dummies Books Similar Format
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington25 Differences & Similarities of Applications Different vendors - similar software - same task –Superficially - GUIs use similar features may look different –Fundamentally - task largely determines how the software must work… they must be similar Implications –If you know one word processor, you can learn others fast –Software differences: mostly glitz and convenience –Don’t accept lousy tools, consider switching to other applications
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington26 Lets look at 2 web browsers Camino Safari
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington27 Another Implication Similar applications means quicker learning –Possibilities: »Web Browsers - verified! »Word Processors / Text Editors? »Operating Systems? »Programming languages?
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington28 Mac or PC??? Arguments about which is better, Mac or PC create only create heat, no light –They are more alike than different –Any fluent person can use both I first bought a Mac Desktop, then a PC Desktop, then an IBM Laptop, and now this MacBookPro –And “afew other” computers in between
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington29 Questions Open, New, Close, and Save can usually be found in the ______ menu
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington30 Questions The online manual can usually be found in the ______ menu.
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington31 Questions Name an advantage of a consistent interface from the consumer’s view? From the developers view?
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington32 Summarizing Humans must learn to use tools –Software designers want you to learn easily »Good software uses consistent interfaces and menus Teach yourself applications by “Clicking Around” and “Blazing Away” –I don’t know all the features, you don’t know all the features, and that’s okay! Software for a task must share core features Learn applications independent of vendors
The Information School of the University of Washington Oct university of washington33 Homework 2 Print out homework 2 You will have to complete some tasks on 2 different computer systems (Mac, Windows, or Linux) –How will you ever learn? Due in class on Friday, Oct 6th