S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Principles of Nondestructive Evaluation Shreekanth Mandayam Graduate / Senior Elective / Fall
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99Plan Course introduction What can I get from this course? Course organization & logistics Class projects NDE lab
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 What is Nondestructive Testing? Nondestructive Testing (NDT) refers to technology that allows a component to be inspected for serviceability, without impairing its usefulness
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99Principle Excitation Source Excitation Source Signal / Image Processing Signal / Image Processing Signal / Image Recognition Signal / Image Recognition Display Result Display Result Input transducer Measurement transducer
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99Technologies Excitation Source Excitation Source Signal / Image Processing Signal / Image Processing Signal / Image Recognition Signal / Image Recognition Display Result Display Result Input transducer Measurement transducer Hardware - Probe design Instrumentation Control Systems Communications Electromagnetics / mechanics Numerical Modeling Supercomputing Digital Filters Morphology Data Compression Wavelets Artificial Neural Nets Pattern Recognition Fuzzy Logic Data Fusion Software Development GUIs Computer Graphics Virtual Reality
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99Issues Excitation Source Excitation Source Received Signal / Image Forward Problem Inverse Problem
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 NDE - A Full Spectrum Technology NDETechnologies Materials Development Materials Development Design Processing Manufacturing In-Service Monitoring
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Intelligent Synthesis Environment NASA concept for engineering design of aerospace systems in the 21st century Technology benefit estimator NDE simulation in cost estimating NDE in simulated manufacturing NDE in repair simulation
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Course Organization & Logistics Course Organization & Logistics Objective: At the conclusion of the this course, the student will have written a journal-quality technical paper based on research conducted during the course
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Class Projects 1. Ultrasound NDE: Neural nets for signal interpretation 2. Ultrasound NDE: Invariant signal recognition 3. Eddy current NDE: Simulating eddy current inspection of VLSI chips (proposal to NSF)
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Class Projects 4. Eddy current NDE: Design and develop an eddy current instrument (measure amplitude and phase of voltage using commercial eddy current probes) 5. Microwave NDE: System set up and experimentation for detecting frayed insulation in aircraft wiring
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Class Projects 6. Thermal NDE: Set up system to perform thermal imaging 7. Parallel Processing & Monte Carlo Modeling: Develop software for solving NDE forward problems using Monte Carlo techniques 8. Magnetic Flux Leakage NDE: Neural networks for invariant recognition
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Class Projects Student specified projects: Check with instructor Please come prepared with your project selection for the next class meeting (Sep 30). After discussion, you will be assigned to a project.
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Ultrasound NDE Most Common Inspection Technique Ultrasonic waves Inspection Inspection frequency 20 kHz MHz Acoustic wave velocity in Aluminum Longitudinal:6.30 km/s Shear:3.13 km/s
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Microwave NDT Microwave Source Microwave Source Measurement Instrumentation Measurement Instrumentation Horn Antenna Microwave frequencies: 300 MHz GHz HP-8753D Network Analyzer
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Magnetic Flux Leakage Specimens MagneticImages
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 Key “Players” in NDE NASA - Langley Research Center Johns Hopkins Center for NDE Iowa State University Center for NDE Georgia Tech Civil Engineering Dept. Battelle Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Timken Electric Power Research Institute EPRI) Boeing British Gas Rosen Gmbh Eletricite De France (EDF) Pipetronix
S. Mandayam/ NDE/ Fall 99 NDE Laboratory Room 201 Henry M. Rowan Hall