OUTLINE Background of the company Specific area of interest Specific problem/decision Conclusion
COMPANY OVERVIEW Global Market leader Comprises of many well-established companies Companies specialize in developing, manufacturing, marketing, and servicing high-technology medical devices Customers include hospitals, alternative care sites, laboratories, and private physicians
MISSION & VALUES VIASYS Values (V2) VIASYS strives for a culture that rewards a commitment to creativity, innovation, total quality, and integrity in all that they do. VIASYS treats all employees with respect and dignity and rewards them when they exemplify their values. V2 simply states that when they work as a team and adhere to these values the results will be far greater than the sum of the parts.
PRODUCTS OVERVIEW A global leader in Respiratory Care A global leader in Neurophysiology Medical Supplies and Services Orthopedic Implants Global Operations in over 100 Countries Customer care operations worldwide
SPECIAL AREA OF INTEREST Manufacturers of global health-care technology, who is committed to a long- term, sustained investment in research and development.
TWO MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST Respiratory Neurophysiology
KEY FACTS Every supply chain is unique Outsource for a minimum of two years within each country Outsource more than 75% of the assembly of each of its product line
KEY FACTS (Cont’d) Outsource parts, complete units, and assembly operations Two biggest outsourcing facilities are China and Guadalajara
UK Germany Mexico China Italy Thailand Canada OUTSOURCING MAP
OUTSOURCING CRITERION MATRIX Geography Work Relationship Quality Cost Saving
OUTSOURCING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS Compliance with ISO standards Good manufacturing practices Among Fortune 500 companies Stable, legitimate, and profitable Low turnover rate
WAYS TO MITIGATE RISK Carry safety stock Supplier segmentation Tight communication Frequent training Weekly auditing and internal controls
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY VIASYS ensure good working conditions for their workers - No child labor involved Outsourcing facility provides dorm for employees and managers in China
SPECIFIC PROBLEM/DECISION Products not delivered on time Implications of the problem: Six employees Lack of communication
OUTCOME Termination of service
LESSONS LEARNED Closely following their facility requirements Increased communication To create local dedicated resources
IN ESSENCE… OUTSOURCING Continuously evolves Does not have a negative impact on the US economy Only disadvantage is cultural differences…but it is overshadowed by the low cost, higher expertise, and greater profitability for Viasys