First results of the Ge semi-planar detector in LSM ILIAS JRA1 meeting-Zaragoza, 23 rd November 2007 Pia Loaiza Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, Collaboration with CANBERRA and CENBG (Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan) Arrived on September 20 th at LSM Low-background semi-planar Ge Crystal dimensions: = 80 mm h=30 mm Vol = 150 cm 3 Mass=0.8 kg We use a pulse-tube to cool down instead of liquid Nitrogen (for the first time in a HPGe in LSM) BEGe: Due to the semiplanar geometry: Suited for E<600 keV Good resolution at low energies Pulse-tube controller Pulse-tube
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, Ge Conception Ge Standard configuration Configuration of the Ge semi-planar at LSM
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, Background simulations MaterialStandard config Modified config. endcup0,860,115 support1,060,01 Cold finger 0,150,002 insulator4,080,036 FET< 0,310,00 TOTAL6,460,16 At 238 keV, in counts/day: Simulation of background due to internal components, 1000 days counting GEANT3 and GEANT4
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, Pb standard Pb archeo Shielding Flush Radon-reduced air 5 cm archeological lead, 210Pb < 0.2 Bq/kg 15 cm Pb standard lead, approx Bq/kg Pb archeo Pb standard
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, Background measurements Ref.Period Time of meas. (days) Integral rate: keV, (counts/min) A 8 oct ,20.4 B 9 oct C 10 oct D 11 oct-5 nov PRELIMINAR 220 Rn desintegration ( 1/2 = 55.6 sec) 222 Rn desintegration ( 1/2 = 3.66 days) without shielding with shielding
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, IsotopeE (keV)Rate (counts/day) Chaîne 238 U : 234 Th Ra U Pb Bi 0.03 Chaine 232 Th : 212 Pb Tl Pb 0.1 PRELIMINAR Background measurements Number of counts: continuous plus peak without shielding with shielding
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, The problem of the resolution Source 152 Eu Source 22 Na
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, Efficiency Standard IAEA RGU-1: Silica (SiO 2 ) Uranium ore: 40 mm diam 3 mm high
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th, Conclusion LSM got its first own detector on Sept. 20 th, 2007 (ILIAS-JRA1 funding) Semi-planar Ge, suited for E<600 keV: modified standard configuration cooled with a pulse-tube Excellent background level Possibility to make very sensitive measurements for ‘planar’ geometries at low energies On-going studies to understand the origin of the remaining background
Pia Loaiza, JRA1, Zaragoza, November 23th,