SIMULINK Dr. Samir Al-Amer
SIMULINK SIMULINK is a power simulation program that comes with MATLAB Used to simulate wide range of dynamical systems To run SIMULINK Run MATLAB Click on the SIMULINK icon on tool bar SIMULINK automatically open a work file and the main libraries.
To be able to use SIMULINK You need to learn to do the following manipulate blocks use blocks to build models run simulation modify simulation parameters
SIMULINK BASICS A systems is represented by a block diagram You select the block from a library of blocks You need to know the library that contains the block that you need click on the library name and you will see a list of blocks in that library click on the block that you want and drag it to the work file click on the block to select its parameters Connect it to other blocks
SIMULINK LIBRARIES Sources Sinks Continuous Discrete Function & Tables Math Nonlinear Signals & Systems Subsystems
General Procedure Open the library that contains the block of interest Click on the block that you need and drag it to the work area Click the left mouse button to see and modify the block parameters. You can do the above by clicking the right button and select the block parameters. Connect the input and outputs of the block
SIMULINK LIBRARIES Sources Used to generate input signals Sinks Used to display results/signals Continuous To represent continuous systems Discrete To represent discrete systems Math Some mathematical functions
Source to generate input signals Step to generate step input Ramp to generate ramp input sine Wave to generate sine wave input Clock Constant Pulse generator Signal Generator …
Constant (SOURCE LIBRARY) The output of the constant block is a constant number Constant Select the source library click on the constant block drag the block to the work file click on the block update the parameters of the block (change the constant) Connect the block to other blocks
Step (SOURCE LIBRARY) The output of the step block is step function. User can select step time, initial value (value before step time) and final value (the value after) step Select the source library click on the step block drag the block to the work file click on the block update the parameters of the block (change the step time, Initial value and final value ) Connect the block to other blocks
Linear SUM GAIN Derivative Integrator State Space Transfer function …
Gain (Linear library) Gain K gain select linear library drag the GAIN to the work file click on GAIN to select the gain. You can rotate gain block connect it to other blocks
Integrator (Linear library) INTEGRATOR integrator select linear library drag the INTEGRATOR to the work file You can adjust initial conditions if needed. connect it to other blocks
Sink Display displays the numerical value of the signal Scope plot the signal To File save in a file To Workspace store the signal in a MATLAB variable in the MATLAB workspace
Sink To Workspace store the signal in a MATLAB variable in the MATLAB workspace. This is very useful when you want to do further processing to the result of the simulation. ---click on the box to select the variable name---
Block diagrams for SIMULINK Simulation simulate the following system
Example sin sum integrator gain adjust gain, sum and sine blocks
Do the three exercises in the handout