Astronomical Catalogues The science and art of collecting and disseminating data Carlos E. Lopez Universidad Nac. de San Juan, Argentina and Yale Southern Observatory
past future visual visual + telescope photographic CCD Detectors Used in the Construction of Astrometric Catalogues
What is Astrometry? Astrometry is that part of astronomy dealing with the positions, motions and trigonometric distances of celestial objects.
What is an Astrometric Survey? An astrometric survey can be defined as a search oriented to finding those celestial objects meeting a given accuracy in their absolute or relative positions, motions or trigonometric distances. Some of these surveys have been conducted with ground-based meridian circles, astrolabes or astrographic telescopes. Others have used or will use space-based instrumets. In general, the final product of a Survey is a Catalogue.
Astrometry’s Major Landmarks 129 BC: Hipparchus publishes the first catalogue 1718: Halley* introduces the concept of proper motions 1802: Herschel notes the relative orbital motion of Castor 1838: Bessel determines the trigonometric parallax of 61 Cyg 1989: ESA launches the Hipparcos satellite * There is some evidence indicating that it was actually Nicholas of Cusa (circa 1400) who first mentioned the proper motion of stars 1887: The photographic plate is adopted as a detector 1609: Galileo starts to use the telescope in astronomical research
Dictionary ASTRONOMICAL DATA: - is the alphanumeric code that describes a parameter or a property of a given celestial object CATALOG / CATALOGUE: - is a list of items, usually in a systematic order and with a description of each.
Recycling and Evolution of the Astronomical Data Observation of the Celestial Object Coordinates Proper Motions Multiplicity Parallaxes Identification Spectral Band Magnitude Spectral Type Variability Identification General Catalogue Distribution and Use Detection of Errors Comparison of Data Crossed Identification New Technologies
TypeDescription Observational Catalogue (OC) Reports original observations made by the author and collaborators (i.e. Bonner Durchmusterung and the HD) Compilation Catalogue (CC) Bibliographic (BCC) The data is taken from the literature and put together following a given order. There is almost no analysis of the data Critical (CCC) The input data is taken from the literature. The author makes a very careful evaluation of the data (i.e. Yale Parallax Catalogue, General Catalogue of Variable Stars and the SAOC) General (GCC) The data is taken from the literature. The author makes a careful evaluation of the data. Almost ALL the available data is included (i.e. Yale Bright Star Catalogue) Two Main Different Types of Catalogues
709 plates taken with the 8-inch Draper telescope from Cambridge (Mass.) 1409 plates taken with a similar telescope from Arequipa (Perú) stellar spectrum (artound stars) where clasified by Annie J. Cannon between 1911 and Example of OC Type: The Henry Draper Catalogue
Declination ZoneCatalogue / Observatory +90 a +85Yale +85 a +80AGK2 – Greenwich AC +80 a +60AGK2 – AGK1 +60 a +50Yale +50 a +30AGK2 – AGK1 +30 a -30Yale -30 a -40CPC -40 a -52Cape Astrographic -52 a -64CPC -64 a -90Me3 – Me4 Example of CCC Type: El Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalogue (SAO)
The Next Three Problems order the Catalogue designate each object designate the combination: Catalogue + Object Once the type of catalogue to compile has been decided, we still have to:
Increasing Right Ascension for a given equinox Increasing Right Ascension for a given equinox in declination bands Discovery date Discovery date in a given spectral band Opposition date for a given year (Solar System) Possible Ways of Ordering the Data
NameExample Proper NameSirius Constellation Pav Coordinates / J Number SystemBD , HD Number / Name following a temporal scheme R And, V431 Sco Physical CharacteristicADS 5423 / LDS 5759 Instrument Used in the Observation4U 129 Spectral BandSco X-1 Nature of the ObjectPSR Observatory LH Region of the SkySA Number / Name within a main objectNGC Discoverer’s Name Romano’s variables, Markarian’s galaxies or Luyten’s Double Stars Possible Ways to Designate an Object
HR 2491 = HD = BD = SAO = PPM = GSC = HIP = Crossed Identification 2MASS FK4 257 =
Sirius’ Cross ID, from SIMBAD 54 identifications
from: Combination Catalogue + Object
1850: visual pair is discovered 1900: wide common proper motion companion is found 1975: B component is found to be spectroscopy binary 1985: C component is split by speckle interferometry 1990: additional speckle C component is resolved at a similar separation 1995: planet is found orbiting the A component 1998: second planet is found 2005: primary of B is resolved by long-baseline interferometry Modifications in the designations of Objects (as time goes by and technology changes) Hartkopf, W., and Mason, B RevMexAA (SC) 21, 83-90
There is a first reference to 1 and 2 Sgr in the Almagest 1650 The duplicity of Mizar is annouced by Riccioli By the end of the XVII century the duplicity of Cen and Cru is announced 1667 Montanari points out the changes in brightness of Algol 1779 Mayer publishes the first catalogue of double stars (80 entries) 1802 W. Herschel admits that the changes in Castor may be the consequence of an orbital motion 1827 Struve introduces the and parameters. Catalogue with 3134 pairs 1837 first photographic observation of Mizar Double Stars
1900 A new catalogue with 15,000 stars is published 1919 First interferometric observations by K. Schwarzschild 1921 Hertzsprung starts observations using photographic plates 1970 Speckle interferometry observations 1980 CHARA (Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy) is formed 2002 The Tycho Double Stars Catalogue is announced by Fabricius et al. Double Stars
source: WDS web page
The Washington Double Stars Catalogue (WDS) in numbers Total systems WDS CatalogWDS Catalog (~12.5Mb) hour section (~2.6Mb) hour section (~3.6Mb) hour section (~2.3Mb) hour section (~4.0Mb) FormatFormat of the current WDS NotesNotes file for the WDS (~1.0Mb) References and discoverer codesReferences and discoverer codes (~0.7Mb)
List Set I: Northern List (Dec > +20, num = 3072) Equatorial List (-20 < Dec < +20, num = 2331) Southern List (Dec < -20, num = 1039) Southern List (Dec < -20, num = 1039) List Set II: Northern List (Dec > +20, num = 1860) Equatorial List (-20 < Dec < +20, num = 2710) Southern List (Dec < -20, num = 2062) Southern List (Dec < -20, num = 2062) List Set III: Northern List (Dec > +20, num = 21,061) Equatorial List (-20 < Dec < +20, num = 11,491) Southern List (Dec < -20, num = 13,216) The “Neglected stars” Total systems
WDS main (sample)
WDS (neglected stars)
The case of LDS 11 = WDS WDS values: = 45º; = 19.0” (1960) Values from USNO SA2.0: = 75º; = 19.0” (1996) N E
LDS 4023 A B?B?
Identification of LDS systems in 2MASS and SSS(R) (sample table) Lopez, C., 2005 RevMexAA (SC) (in press)
1718: Halley announces the proper motion of the stars 1775: Mayer publishes the first proper motions catalogue (998 stars) 1783: Herschel suggests the idea of solar motion 1887: the Astrographic Catalogue is started 1916: Barnard discovers his famous star 1926: Schlesinger starts the Yale Zones 1947: Wright starts the NPM 1950: Luyten starts to survey both hemispheres for high proper motion stars. 1960: Giclas starts his surveys 1965: Brower, Schill and Cesco start the SPM (YSO) 1989: ESA launches the Hipparcos satallite 2000: Monet announces the USNO B Proper Motions
1580: First attempt by Tycho Brahe 1781: “…the displacement due to the parallax must be less than 1 arcsec” said James Bradley when he attempted to determine the Dra parallax 1837: Parallax of Vega determined by Struve 1838: Parallax of 61 Cyg determined by Bessel 1890: Publication of parallaxes for 30 stars with errors in the order of +/-0.05 arcsec. 1903: Systematic observations with photographic plates started by Schlesinger 1924: First edition of the YPC (~1680 star) 1935: Second edition of the YPC (~4100 stars) Parallaxes
1952: Third edition of the YPC (~5800 stars) 1981: First parallaxes determined with CCD 1995: Fourth edition of the YPC (~8100) star 1997: Hipparcos results 2001: Henry et al. results from CTIOPI (CTIO Parallax Investigation) many nearby stars, one of them as close as 5.5 pc. 2002: Scholz et al. present new nearby stars with d<25 pc. 2003: Teegarden et al. dicovery of a star between 2.7 and 3.6 pc (using SkyMorph!!) 2003: Phan-Bao et al. present new stars within 25 pc (DENIS’ mining) 2005: Jao et al. present new results from the CTIOPI program Parallaxes
Jao, W-Ch. et al AJ. 129, 1954
# stars << 10 6 # stars >> before after Number of entries in most of the astrometic catalogues
The MEGA Catalogues Over the past 15 years four catalogues -with well over a million entries each- have been published. They are called MEGA Catalogues: Guide Star Catalogue (GSC) Guide Star Catalogue (GSC) USNO (A and B series) USNO (A and B series) SuperCosmos Sky Survey (SSS) SuperCosmos Sky Survey (SSS) UCAC UCAC Astrometric 2MASS 2MASS DENIS DENIS SDSS SDSS Non-Astrometric
Guide Star Catalogue (GSC): the Pioneer Lasker, B. et al AJ 99, 2019 The GSC was constructed as support for the HST Over 19 million objects in the 6th to 15th mag. range Astrometry is available at the epochs of the individual plates used in the GSC (no proper motions) Reference stars were selected from AGK3, SAOC, and CPC Extensive analysis against the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle data showed that GSC absolute positional errors from plate center to edge vary from 0.5" to 1.1" in the north and from 1.0" to 1.6" in the south. Different improvements have yielded the following realeses: GSC I (1.0, 1.1, and 1.2) GSC II (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3)
Schmidt Plates in GSC I Survey Survey Code EpochEmulsion/FilterBandDepthDec.ZonesNo.PlatespixelsNotes Palomar QVN IIaD+W12V : " SERC JS IIIaJ+GG395Bj : "- SERC EJS IIIaJ+GG395Bj : "- SERC-QVXV IIaD+GG495V14.0 S. Galactic Plane 941"&1.7"- SERC-V & PAL-V1/5 XX IIIa-J+GG495V Selected objects 51.7"-
Schmidt Plates in GSC II Survey Survey Code EpochEmulsion/FilterBandDepthDec.Zones No.Plate s pixelsNotes POSS-II JXJ IIIaJ+GG395Bj : "- POSS-II RXP IIIaF+RG610R : "- SERC JS IIIaJ+GG395Bj : "- SERC EJS IIIaJ+GG395Bj : "- SERC ERER IIIaF+OG590R : "- AAO SESXS IIIaF+OG590R : "- AAO-SRGR IIIaF+OG590R20.0 S. Galactic Plane 1181"- SERC-QVXV IIaD+GG495V14.0 S. Galactic Plane 941"&1.7"- POSS-I EXE aER : "&1.7" Not available until GSC 2.3 POSS-I OXO aOB : " Not available until GSC 2.3 POSS-II NXI IV-N+RG9I : " Not available until GSC 2.3 SERC IIS IV-N+RG715I : " Not available until GSC 2.3 Palomar QVN IIaD+W12V : " Not available until GSC 2.3
GSPC I GSPC I is an all-sky set of photoelectrically determined BV sequences in the magnitude range from 9 to 15, generally near the centers of the fields of the GSC-I plates. Lasker, B., Sturch, C., Lopez, C. et all. 1988, ApJS, 68, 1.
Comparison GSC 1.0 vs. CAMC (1, 2, and 3) Taff, L. et al ApJ 353, L45 – L48
Comparison GSC 1.0 vs. CAMC (1, 2, and 3) Taff, L. et al ApJ 353, L45 – L48
Comparison GSC 1.0 vs. GSC 1.2
Quick Fact Sheet on GSC 1.1 vs. GSC 2.2
GSPC IIGSPC II is generally an extension of GSPC I sequences to V=19 in (B), V and R passbands based on CCD photometry. Its purpose is the calibration of the GSC-II. Bucciarelli, et al. A&A 368, pp , 2001
Other recentw major astrometric catalogues USNO-B1.0 SSS UCAC
The USNO-B1: summary Monet, D.; Levine, S.; Canzian, B. et al AJ 125, 948 Number of sources: 1,045,913,669 Number of observations: 3,643,201,733 Number of plates: 7,435 Completeness down to V= arcsec accuracy at J mag accuracy in up to 5 colors yes, but …
Hip 5164 DSS frame around Hip 5164
USNO B1.0 frame around Hip 5164
The Case of LDS 4023
false detections
The case of VW Gru VW Gru 1 Gru
VW Gru VW Gru (image plane) + GSC 1.2 1 Gru
VW Gru 1 Gru VW Gru (image plane) + USNO B1.0 false detections
The case of LDS 3188 A B N E
pm according to USNO actual pm USNO detection USNO B1.0 got the wrong sign!!!!
SourceComponent pmRA (mas) pmDE (mas) USNO B1.0 ABAB SSS(R) ABAB WDS (Luyten) A+B The case of LDS 3188 (comparison of proper motion)
(astro-ph )
The SuperCosmos Sky Survey (SSS) and The SuperCosmos Science Archive (SSA) The database contains over 1 billion multi-colour, multi-epoch sources and covers the southern celestial hemisphere (d < +3.0) in three passbands (BRI), with one colour (R) represented at two epochs. All SSA global astrometry is tied to the Hipparcos-Tycho reference frame via the Tycho-2 and ACT catalogues. Astrometry is globally good between 0.2 and 0.3 arcsec. New proper motions (with respect to the ones in SSS) have been computed using all available positions. Up to four different epochs have been used. The SSS and SSA are based on the same underlying data with the main differences arising in the construction of the SSA merged source table.
Plate Material
The SuperCosmos Sky Survey: Proper Motion Comparison with the SPM 10.0<V< <V<16.0 Hambly, N. C. et al MNRAS 326, 1315.
Sample Output
Hip 5164 DSS frame around Hip 5164
SSS(R) frame around Hip ´
SSS Detections (as shown by Aladin) around Hip 5164
Object Extraction Table of SSA
The case of M50: Comparison Between SSS and USNO B1.0
The case of M50: Comparison Between SSS and USNO B1.0 SSS chart
The case of M50: Comparison Between SSS and USNO B1.0 USNO B1.0 chart
Aladin USNO B1.0 chart The case of M50: Missing Star in USNO B1.0? ?
The case of M50: Missing Star in USNO B1.0 but present in 2mass and GSC 2.2 GSC 2.2 data R mag B mag
UCAC project goals densification of the reference frame beyond Hipparcos/Tycho improve accuracy of positions of faint end Tycho-2 stars improve link between Hipparcos and the International Celestial Reference Frame Applications astrometric calibration of other telescopes better reference for minor planet observations in general allow high precision observations of NEO (Near Earth Orbit) minor planets allow exact placement of fiber optics for spectrographic surveys accurate astrometry for narrow field imaging, particularly for big telescopes allow uncompromized Schmidt plate reductions high accuracy proper motions for galactic studies major contribution for the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) input catalog The UCAC Project
The UCAC2 Positions and proper motions for over 48 million sources (mostly stars). Precision on the positions is mas (depending on magnitude). Proper motions are derived by using over 140 ground- and space-based catalogues. With errors about 1-3 mas yr-1 for stars to 12th mag., and about 4-7 mas yr-1 for fainter stars to 16th mag. Current epoch positions are obtained from observations with the USNO 8-inch Twin Astrograph equipped with a 4k CCD. The catalogue covers from -90º up to +48º (to +52º in some areas) and supersedes UCAC1 released in 2001.
Differences Tycho2 – UCAC1 Zacharias, N. et al. 2000, AJ 120, 1148.
NOMAD (Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric Database) Astrometric and photometric data for over 1 billion stars. Astrometric and photometric data for over 1 billion stars. Source catalogues (for astrometry and optical photometry): Hipparcos, Tycho-2, UCAC2, and USNO-B. Source catalogues (for astrometry and optical photometry): Hipparcos, Tycho-2, UCAC2, and USNO-B. Photometry supplemented by 2MASS. Photometry supplemented by 2MASS. NOMAD is not a compiled catalogue; that is, if a given star is presented in more than one of the above mentioned catalogues, only one catalogue entry is chosen. NOMAD is not a compiled catalogue; that is, if a given star is presented in more than one of the above mentioned catalogues, only one catalogue entry is chosen. All source catalogues astrometric data are on the ICRF. All source catalogues astrometric data are on the ICRF. 100 GB of data. 100 GB of data. Zacharias, N., et al. 2004b. AAS 205, 4815.
Accessing the Major Catalogues: Data Centers and the Virtual Observatory
Some of the Astrometric Catalogues Available at CDS
The end of ADC
Working with VizieR: 4 very easy steps
Step 1: open the page and … click on …
Step 2: select the catalogue click on the catalogue number
Step 3: 1)coord. or object name. One may also submit a List of Targets. 2) Select (deselect) on the type of data (one may select All Cols) 3) Select the size and shape of the search 4) Select the output format 5) Select the number of lines of your output file
Step 4: output sample
Some Virtual Observatory Initiatives
YearCatalogue# of Objects 360 BCChinese¿? 260 BCAristillus & Timocharis¿850? 129 BCHipparchus850 (1,080?) 150 DCPtolemy’s Almagest1, Alfonsine Tables¿? 1534Ulugh-Beg1, Rothman & Wilhelm1,004 Summary of the Most Important Astrometric Catalogues
YearCatalogue# of Objects 1601Tycho Brahe1, Hevelius1, Flamsteed3, Lacaile9, Lalande50, Piazzi7, British Assoc.47,390 Summary of the Most Important Astrometric Catalogues
YearCatalogue# of Objects 1850Durchmusterung300, Astrographic Catalogue4,000, PGC30, Yale Zones~150, General Catalogue33, N305, SAOC257,997 Summary of the Most Important Astrometric Catalogues
YearCatalogue# of Objects 1984FK51, GSC 1.020,000, Millions4,000, PPM350, USNO A1.0488,000, Hipparcos118, Tycho – 11,058,332 Summary of the Most Important Astrometric Catalogues
YearCatalogue# of Objects 1998USNO A2.0500,000, AC20004,000, GSC II1,000,000, Tycho – 22,500, SPM30,000, UCAC40,000, USNO B1.01,000,000,000 Summary of the Most Important Astrometric Catalogues
Where is Astrometry?
The Next Two (Last?) Steps Each of these missions will observe 1,000,000,000 objects !!
Recycling and Evolution of the Astronomical Data Observation of the Celestial Object Coordinates Proper Motions Multiplicity Parallaxes Identification Spectral Band Magnitude Spectral Type Variability Identification General Catalogue Distribution and Use Detection of Errors Comparison of Data Crossed Identification New Technologies
… and so I said to myself: it’s time to put some order up here !