Public transportation keeps us moving! Peter Pels,member of the Provincial Parliament of Flevoland; chairman of the parliamentary committee on issues related to mobility and employment.
Flevoland, an introduction Flevoland is a Dutch province with appr inhabitants Annual growth approx inhabit. Rural identity Centrally located in Europe
Flevoland: close to the Amsterdam area Amsterdam Almere
New towns and villages Almere Lelystad Emmeloord Dronten Zeewolde Urk (> 1,000 years old) A number of villages
Prognoses Almere, fastest growing new town in Europe
Urban development 2025
Lely’s original plan was partially executed
Much of the planned infrastructure around Almere has never been built: the IJmeer- coonection is important missing link
Connections - Motorways (A6 + A27) - Railway A’dam-Lelystad - Railway Lelystad-Utrecht - N23 (new regional road) - Hanzelijn (new railway, 2012)
Growth of population Shortage of employment: commuters Economic activity: new jobs in the next years to come Capacity infrastructure must be extended A6 motorway and Flevo railway are to be doubled in capacity Connecting Schiphol to Lelystad Airport Lobby for new road en rail connections Mobility: some challenges
Public transportation: facts and figures million clients (individuals getting on a bus) - Together they travel 127 million kilometer a year - Cost effiency: 53% - Punctionality: 95% - Punishment for leaving to early or to late - Customer satisfaction: 7,3 (scale of 1-10) - Complaints: 1500 (0,1%) - Difference in peak and off peak hours
Challenges for public transportation Regional “Hubs” for public transport Congestion in peak hour as a result of infrastructure overload High use of public transportation (in Almere up tot 40%) Any location can be reached by car and public transport. Differentation of rates Fight against Traffic Jam New balance between New Towns and the rural area Public/Private co-operation in public transport
Different solutions on the same network Almere: high capacity 5 train stations Unique system of bus lanes Bus stop within 500 meters High frequency busservice (3–7 min.) In peak hours fast service to A’dam area In rural areas regular bus services is complemented by collective transportation on demand CTD is a system of -on demand- transportation from “door to door”. You share a cab with more people and you have to order a cab at least one hour before you want to leave.
It’s all about ambition! If this is not what we want
And neither is this...
This is probably more like it!
For some of us not even the sky is the limit...
‘No one lives or works on a station’ - We need door-to-door solutions - The answer: smart public transport on demand - Superbus by Wubbo Ockels (Dutch former space-travellor)