1 2 3 6 5 4 8 9 7
Mapping the British Isles R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging based on Trudgill, Dialects, Routledge 1994, pages 37-39.
Mapping the British Isles R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging
Mapping the British Isles Scotland Northeast North West Central East Central Wales Southeast Western SW Eastern SW
Mapping the British Isles Scotland N. Ireland (Ulster) Northeast S. Ireland (Eire) North West Central East Central Wales Southeast Western SW Eastern SW
+r -r +r R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging -r +r NB!
+r +r -r +r R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging +r -r +r
+r -r +r R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging -r +r
+h +h -h R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging +h -h
R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging
R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging
R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging
R-Dropping H-Dropping FOOT-STRUT Split NG Coalescence FACE-Diphthonging
1 2 3 6 5 4 8 9 7
Scotland Northeast North West Central East Central Wales Southeast Western SW Eastern SW
Higland Scottish Scotland 3 Northeast 3 North 4 West Central 4 East Central 5 Wales 5 Southeast 8 Western SW 6 Eastern SW7
Scotland N. Ireland (Ulster) Northeast North S. Ireland (Eire) West Central East Central Wales Southeast Eastern SW Western SW
o n R- Drop H- NG Co Long Mid Diphth. new 1 Scotland 2 2 The Northeast FOOT-STRUT Split NG Co Long Mid Diphth. new 1 Scotland o n 2 2 The Northeast 3 The North 3 4 Wales 4 5 West Central 6 East Central 7 Western SW 8 Eastern SW 9 The Southeast 5
o n R- Drop H- NG Co Long Mid Diphth. Diph-thong Shift new 1 Scotland FOOT-STRUT Split NG Co Long Mid Diphth. BATH-TRAP Split FOOT-GOOSE Merger Diph-thong Shift new 1 Scotland o n 3 2 The Northeast 2 3 The North 4 Wales 4 5 West Central 6 East Central 7 Western SW 5 8 Eastern SW 6 9 The Southeast 7
BATH-TRAP Split 1 2 3 6 5 4 8 9 7
Diphthong Shift 1 2 3 6 5 4 8 + 9 7
Were you looking at this?
So I should have added another variable: Drop H- FOOT-STRUT Split NG Co Long Mid Diphth. BATH-TRAP Split FOOT-GOOSE Merger Diph-thong Shift NURSE Merger new 1 Scotland o n 3 2 The Northeast 3 The North 4 4 Wales 5 5 West Central 6 East Central 7 Western SW 6 8 Eastern SW 7 9 The Southeast 8
Report on assignment 4 Particular variables: reversing several several variables particularly NG Coalescence also others e.g. FOOT-GOOSE and FOOT-STRUT - spoilt calculations
Particular variables: Report on assignment 4 Particular variables: FOOT-GOOSE not an innovation? FOOT-STRUT in Scotland may not be an innovation either.
Particular variables: Report on assignment 4 Particular variables: SW no Diphth Shift - difficulties with Diphth Shift FOOT-GOOSE marked -/+ in the Northeast use of schwa for STRUT in Wales (one answer) R-Dropping negative in Northeast. Northumbrian burr
Report on assignment 4 Reasons “It is most likely that the areas that have the highest number of innovative forms do so because they have been highly influenced by other languages.” French influence. London a melting-point for foreigners and Brits from all over.
Report on assignment 4 Reasons Immigrants… When did they appear in any numbers? What of the variables we are discussing could be attributed to foreign influence? Not clear that any of the variables concerned could be attributed to French influence ….H-Dropping?? – What percentage of the population spoke French? French influence in vocabulary
The Norse influence in the Middle Ages (before the French): Report on assignment 4 Reasons The Norse influence in the Middle Ages (before the French): Clear grammatical influence But we are talking of the accents of Standard English, which has the same grammar everywhere … A Norse-English creole??? … to be continued
Report on assignment 4 Reasons Conditions for dissemination of innovation: assume random occurrence of innovations but greater probability in denser populations remember the critical size of children’s groups
Report on assignment 4 Reasons the socio-linguistic effect must be in the dissemination, not the occurence otherwise notional association of linguistic factors with quality: phonetics, grammar … so the two factors are large population prestige of the new form (group identity. NB prestige works both ways)
-r -h u X e: -r -h Æ X e: -r -h u X e: