ICS 324: Database Systems (02) Second Semester (072) Information & Computer Science Department
Final Exam ChapterSectionsNo. of QuestMarks % 3All 2 Questions 5All 66.1 – , – Questions – , 40% 60% Date:Thursday June 12, 2008 Time:7:30 - 9:30 AMLoc.:room Coverage
Attendance Record Students Attendance Records are posted in WebCT. For each student a maximum of two (2) absences and a maximum of two (2) late attendances are waived, if applicable The new total balance of absences is divided by 2 to calculate the penalty for absences. This penalty (marks) will be deducted from the student total mark. The maximum points that will be deducted are 5.
Students Marks and Grades ID. #Mark (50)Mark (100)Grade A B B C C C C D D D D D Average A+ 85 A 80 B+ 75 B 70 C+ 65 C 60 D+ 55 D 50 F < 50 Phase 2 (50 Marks)
Students Marks and Grades ID. #Mark (100)Grade ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Average??? Phase 3 (100 Marks)
Tips to the Students In order to get the grades you deserve, or looking for, you are expected to simply study hard the material of the final exam. The style of the exam questions will be the same as the major exams. I wish all of you the best