Advised by Prof. Pedro V. Sander By LEE Ning Hin Lincoln, LOU Yu Hong, WU Kam Kong
Motivation Primary Goal System Overview System Components ◦ Graphics ◦ Network ◦ User Interface Problems Encountered Future Developments Q&A
High resolution world ◦ High definition technologies ◦ Gigapixel images ◦ Result = ? Cheaper sensors ◦ Touch-based ◦ Motion-based ◦ Location-based ◦ Result = ?
Multi-display array ◦ Multiple monitors to form a single high resolution display unit ◦ Synchronized images Gigapixel image ◦ One billion pixels Wiimote ◦ Creative and user-friendly interface
Image name Two points coordinate #image_name#x1#y1#x2#y2#
Version 2.0 WSADATA
Sample size for each test: 1000
OpenGL ◦ Displaying the image SDL ◦ Window Management DevIL ◦ Image loading
1. SDL window initialize 2. DevIL decode jpg image 3. OpenGL display texture
Create window Create OpenGL context Handle keyboard event
Load image file Decode image file Pass data to OpenGL texture
Set up environment Create coordinate system Draw a rectangle Paste texture on it
Split the image file into tiles Draw multiple quads Paste different texture on them
Traditional ◦ Key mapping ◦ Infrared tracking ◦ Distance measuring ◦ Haptic feedback Reverse traditional ◦ No buttons ◦ Infrared tracking (Another approach)
Throughput ◦ Lots of data Accuracy ◦ Errors in infrared tracking Sensitivity
Management of workstations ◦ Remote control ◦ Classroom management ◦ Wake on LAN ◦ Network Boot ◦ Shared drive
Dynamic loading of texture ◦ Save memory but decrease in performance
Synchronization ◦ Computer clock ◦ Internet time server
Other User Interface ◦ 3D camera ◦ Touch-based devices Other Wiimote usages ◦ Two infrared LEDs tracking for zooming in Wiimote ◦ With a mirrored infrared source