Cairo project
Aims and objectives Greater Cairo faces a range of environmental problems, which together form the Brown Agenda The problems fall into 2 groups. Traditional environmental health problems Problems resulting from environmental growth.
The aims and objectives The planning department want to combat these problems the main priority is to improve conditions for the poorest groups in the city especially those n the city of the dead.
The task We have a budget of £25 million which we aim to use to, Increase the amount of affordable housing available to poor city dwellers, Reduce death and disease by improving the water supply, sewerage, and rubbish collection t areas inhabited by poorer citizens. Reduce illegal dumping of industrial waste in Cairo's water system.
The task Increase the percentage of waste water that is fully treated before being pumped to the sea. Increase employment for poorer people Reduce air pollution
The projects! We were given a budget of £25 million to spend on the overall development of the area. We have chosen to spend the budget on the following projects.
Donkeys and carts £2 million will be spent on buying additional donkeys and carts for the Zabbaleen people. They will collect most of the cities rubbish and recycle it. We have chosen this project because they can cover the whole city and and especially the poorer areas where refuge collection has become a problem. This will help the over all sanitation of the city and will provide employment for local poorer people.
Improving air pollution £12 million will be spent on reducing air pollution in the city. This will be done by reducing the amount of vehicles on the roads thus reducing the amount of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. This funding will allow the construction of additional lines to the underground metro system. There would some disruption to the traffic flow of the city for 3 to 5 year but the air quality would be greatly improved. The creation of the underground would encourage people to use public transport and therefore not rely on their cars as much.
Upgrade home made huts £7 million will be spent on upgrade the home made huts existing on roof tops in the city. We would provide the materials and the dwellers would be expected to carry out the work themselves. The project will also build a basic system of water pipes into the Cities of the Dead and the roof tops to provide a clean, safe supply of drinking water.
How the projects would work together We have chosen to spend the £25 million to improve the quality of life of the people living in Cairo. We have spent a total of £21 million on the donkeys, the reduction of air pollution and the upgrades of homes for the roof top dwellers. This project will also include water pipes for a supply of clean water to the area. This water will improve the health of the poorer residents and so will decrease the amount of illness and disease in these areas. The air pollution project will work well with the refuge collection as it will reduce the amount of pollution in the streets and in the atmosphere.
Success criteria The projects we have chosen will improve the quality of life for the residents of Cairo and should be sustainable for the future. The extra 4 million we have from the budget will be used to make sure that the project run well and will be used for repairing any building which are on the verge of collapse or in need of urgent repair. The monitoring of the success of the projects will be seen by the affect that they have on the peoples lives in the city. They aim to improve the environment and the health and quality of life of the people.