A Quality Online Course Presented by K.D. Borcoman CSUDH
Prepare Your Materials Gather your course materials and content in a central location Determine what formats your materials exist in Accommodate different types of learners Identify measurable course objectives
Make an Outline Make an outline that matches each course component with associated date, lecture materials, assignments and corresponding items.
Prepare Materials for Electronic Delivery with Instructional Design Specialist Assistance Select items that are relevant to course objectives and student learning experiences. Preparation may include scanning graphics, creating files in a word processor, developing course pages in an authoring tool, or creating slides in presentation software. Avoid delivering materials that will distract the student from the course objectives. Do not add irrelevant information to "fill-up" your coursesite.
Build a Course Skeleton Create the organizational (or skeleton) structure of your course. This involves creating a series of clearly labeled folders that will hold course materials. Make a folder for every item in your outline or mimic the structure of your syllabus. Enter the Course Information area and create folders for the Syllabus, Grading Policies, and other basic items relating to course management. Create folders that correspond with the main topics or sections of your course. Create sub-folders for sub- topics as necessary.
For example: Week 1: Introduction to English Grammar, (folder) Week 2: Working with Nouns (folder) Week 3: Mastering Verb Tenses (folder) Week 4: Regular Verbs, Week 5: Irregular Verbs Create folders that correspond with your assignments.
Prepare Your Materials What will I teach? How will I teach it? How will I ensure that students are learning what is being taught?
Follow these steps: Gather your course materials and content in a central location. Remember to include items such as handouts, slide shows, syllabus, overheads, lecture notes, projects, assessments, and discussion topics. Determine what formats your materials exist in and make note of items already in electronic formats such as word processing documents, spreadsheets, and slides. Make sure that you will accommodate different types of learners by having graphics and text for visual learners so they can see to foster learning. Provide narration and text for verbal learners. Identify measurable course objectives that incorporate materials to be delivered online. Determine what core competencies and knowledge students will need to meet these objectives.
Resources Academic Technology Website Online Pedagogy: Theories and Best Practices Online Pedagogy: Theories and Best Practices