Nanda Kishora Navaneeta Chora Giridhara Gopala The young boy of Nanda, who is fond of stealing butter (stealing the hearts of devotees); Lord Gopala, the cowherd boy who held aloft the mountain
Govardhana Giridhari Murari Hey Nandalala The Bearer of the Govardhan Mountain, the loving Son of Nanda, who destroyed the demon Mura (One who destroys sin is called Murahara)
Nandalala Nandalala Hail the loving Son of Nanda
Goparipaala Gopi Lola Giridhara Gopala Lord Gopala, the Protector of cows and all living beings, lifted the mountain Govardhana to save all beings; The Lord of Gopis bestows happiness on them
Hey Sai (Parthi) Gopala Hey Sai Gopala, the Lord of Parthi, Protector of all living beings
Goparipaala Gopi Lola Giridhari Gopala Lord Gopala, the Protector of cows and all living beings, lifted the mountain Govardhana to save all; The Lord is fond of Gopis and sported with them
Murali Lola Munijana Paala Hey Nandalala Hail the Lord who is fond of playing the Flute (Murali) to entertain His devotees; He is the Protector and Sustainer of virtuous people and holy saints
Nandalala Nandalala O the loving Son of Nanda