2/16/051 ICMP Traceback Packet Authentication Eunjong Kim Colorado State University
2/16/05 2 ICMP Traceback Packet Identification Link=(AS8 AS7 ) Packet Identification Link=( ) Packet Identification Link=(AS7 AS6 )
2/16/05 3 Enhanced ICMP Traceback
4 iTrace Packet Authentication Weak Authentication No PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) based authentication Not much performance overhead TESLA keys (using time differences) One-way accumulator (to provide originator validation) Does not waste unnecessary resources Rabin’s Information Dispersal Technique. n out of m packets regenerate the original packet Guarantee the message integrity Tolerant to packet loss Robust to false origin or packet dropping attacks Bogus iTrace message attack. Our validation is based on actual data traffic Not easy to make since false routers can not see the real data traffic. (easy to detect)