Spring 2006MSTI Daily Notes for MSTI 130 Spring 2006 Dr. Kris Green TR 11:00 – 12:20, K059
Spring 2006MSTI Day 01 – Thurs. 01/12 Cancelled – Joint Math Meetings in San Antonio Posted the announcement below: –Mon, Jan 09, Missing First Class Due to a conference, Dr. Green will be out of town during the first class meeting of MST 130 (section 4). Thus, class on Thursday (11-12:20) is cancelled. You should, however, download the syllabus (under "Course Information") and review it before class on Tuesday so that you can ask questions; there will be an online quiz about the syllabus, so be sure that you read it thoroughly. In class on Tuesday, we will begin chapter 1 of the text (available in the bookstore) so it would be good to read chapter 1 as well.
Spring 2006MSTI Day 02 – Tues. 01/17 Discuss syllabus (online, should have read) Download and submit survey –At same time, take pictures of students in groups of 3 –Discuss proper naming of files (LastFI HW00) and point out errors as they occur Remind about quiz 1 Overview of unit 1, seeing the world as data Chapter 1 – Problem Solving, Section A Why Data? Work exploration 1A in class after discussion (in small groups) of examples
Spring 2006MSTI Day 03 – Thurs. 01/19 Quiz reminders (quiz 2 due Tues.) [3] HW 1 – memo (pg. 37-8) – due 1/26 [2] Discuss “Beef n’ Buns” examples [40] Complete Exploration (pg. 34-4) [25 – group; use a recorder to type notes and send to the rest of the group] Read and discuss memo problem [20]
Spring 2006MSTI Class 04 – Tues. 01/24 Mistakes on quizzes 1 and 2 Definitions and terms (methods of collecting data vs. types of data) Units for numerical data Exploration 2A Questions about chapter one memo Computer skills – starting up Word/Excel and screen navigation
Spring 2006MSTI Class 05 – Thurs. 01/26 Administrivia –How to get feedback on homework –Homework 2 –Download and install StatPro at home/dorm Pull up C02 Over Easy.xls –Examples 2B1 and 2 –Coding data and using comments in Excel Create two spreadsheets for Cruise Line –One observational, one survey-related
Spring 2006MSTI Class 06 – Tues. 01/31 Copying and pasting into Word from Excel Review of quiz questions Discuss HW 01 feedback Ex 3A3 “C03 Tots.xls” – calculate stats using Excel and StatPro Exploration 3A using Excel
Spring 2006MSTI Class 07 – Thurs. 02/02 Algebra and means –Talk about relative vs. absolute cell refs and set up a spreadsheet allow these to be input and to measure the result fixed change and percent change in the mean salary –Using exploration 3A, make a table Using StatPro to generate tables of statistics and explore: exploration 3B More means and quartiles discussion: some of the HW problems? Examples?
Spring 2006MSTI Class 08 – Tues. 02/06 In class quiz: Chapter 3 HW #4 (30 min) – turned into a class discussion/exercise Standard deviation development (50 min) –Measuring spread –Deviations, and sum of dev = 0 –Fixing this problem with standard deviation –Degrees of freedom
Spring 2006MSTI Class 09 – Thurs. 02/09 Q&A about homework and activities Example 4A3 (20 min) –Use Excel to compute averages, medians, standard deviations Exploration 4A (15 min) – discussion only Definitions (10 min) –z-scores –rules of thumb Example 4B3 (15 min) – collected, no analysis –Sorting the data by Z-scores helps
Spring 2006MSTI Class 10 – Tues. 02/14 Example 4B3 discussion (10 min) Exploration 4B (20 min) Memo 4 in class (30 min) Homework 04 questions (20 min)
Spring 2006MSTI Class 11 – Thurs. 02/16 Examples from 5A –Reading histograms (5A1) [5min] –Checking rules of thumb (5A2) [5 min] –Discuss bad histograms (5A3) [10 min] Making histograms (C05 BeefnBuns 2) –From data [10 min] –From z-scores [15 min] Exploration 5A and using histograms to infer about the problem context [30 min]
Spring 2006MSTI Class 12 – Tues. 02/21 Exam Review –Format of the exam and topics for the exam –Problem 1. Let’s more seriously discuss and investigate HW 4, #2 about the countries Rating them as “average” – compared to what? What’s constitutes a large std. deviation? –Problem 2. Continued analysis of the cruise ship problem (page 114)
Spring 2006MSTI Class 13 Midterm Exam
Spring 2006MSTI Class 14 – Tues. 02/28 Return midterm Discuss scatterplots –Independent (explanatory) and Dependent (response) –Reading them, axes, making them Correlation –Two variables and z-scores –Matrix of correlations and strength of relationships
Spring 2006MSTI Class 15 – Thurs. 03/02 Correlation visualization exercise (Exp 6A) Line Fitting Exercise (Exp 6B) –Put worksheet on Bb to fill in Discussion of slope, y-intercept, making trendlines, R^2
Spring 2006MSTI Class 16 – Tues. 03/14 Simple regression (section 7A) –Reading the equation of the line –R^2 and S_e –Diagnostic graphs (fitted vs actual, etc.) Example 7A1, 7A2, 7A3 HW 7 due date moved to Thursday Quiz 7 due Thursday before class
Spring 2006MSTI Class 17 – Thurs. 03/16 Proportionality and what that means Exploration 7A to be handed in electronically –Add in the following Interpret y (or x) intercepts for each model Explain quality of each model using R^2 Explain accuracy of each model’s predictions using S_e (and compare to std. dev. Of y)
Spring 2006MSTI Class 18 – 03/21 Exploration 8A and making multiple regression models Interpretation of the models Adjusted R^2 Other examples in section 8A
Spring 2006MSTI Class 19 – Tues. 03/28 More on Multiple regression Example 8A1, 8A2, 8A3 –P-values –Adjusted R^2 –Fitted vs. Actual diagnostic graph –Residuals vs. Fitted diagnostic graph Homework #4 – page 222
Spring 2006MSTI Class 20 – Thurs. 03/30 Dummy Variables in Regression –Exploration 8B (page 218) –Discuss parts together (use Example 8B1 to get the models for Exploration 8B started) If time, discuss memo 8 as an example Homework will be the problems (1-4) on pages , due next Thursday in class; note error in problem 2 statement
Spring 2006MSTI Class 21 – Tues. 04/04 Assumptions about regression (15 min) –Anscombe data –Linearity –Randomness in the residuals Review of regression models (15 min) Overview of nonlinear models (50 min) –What makes them different? –Examples (Exploration2.xls)
Spring 2006MSTI Class 22 – Thurs. 04/06 Notation for functions y = f(x) Parameters vs. variables Comparison of functions (10A2 and 3) Graphing these in Excel Shifts and scalings and reflections Exp 10B) –Notation Power Functions (incl. recip/square/sqrt)
Spring 2006MSTI Class 23 – Tues. 04/11 Continue analyzing the shifts, scales, etc. from last Thursday’s class Set up homework 10 (memo, pp ) Administrivia –HW 10 due Next Tuesday –Rework of 8 due Next Thursday –HW 11 – TBA –Quiz 11 due Tuesday by 11
Spring 2006MSTI Class 24 – Thurs. 04/13 Continue working on and discussing nonlinear fits by shifting and scaling –HW 09 (chapter 10 memo) –Calculating R^2
Spring 2006MSTI Class 25 – Tues. 04/18 Homework 10 – due Tuesday, Apr. 25 –Problems on pp –Memo, pg. 301 Overview of the semester – notes below Interpretation of nonlinear models Course Evaluations
Spring 2006MSTI Class 25 – Thurs. 04/20 Continue with nonlinear regression –Total change vs. Rate of change –Marginal Analysis and Parameter Analysis –Diagnostic graphs –Transformations of data to linearize (p. 285) Multiplicative Models Polynomial Models Don’t worry about calculating Se and R^2