91.413: Data Communications I Fall 2007 Prof. Benyuan Liu Department of Computer Science University of Massachusetts Lowell
What is this course about? Introductory course in computer networking learn principles of computer networking learn practice of computer networking Internet architecture/protocols as case study Goals: learn a lot (not just factoids, but principles and practice) enjoy the course
Course Information Who is this course for? undergraduates (with no prior knowledge) Prerequisites: Algorithms, Operating Systems, programming skills Course materials: text: Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, J. Kurose & Keith Ross, Addison Wesley (4th edition) Class notes
Course Information (more) Class WWW site: http://www.cs.uml.edu/~bliu/413/ everything is posted on this site! syllabus class notes (powerpoint, pdf) assignments announcements
Course Information (more) Workload: Coursework approx amount approx % written homeworks 5 20% programming ass’n 2 15% lab assignment 8 10% class participation 5% midterm 1 25% final exam 1 25%
Course Information (more) in-class style: interaction, questions, discussions office hour (Tuesday 1:30-3pm, Friday 11-12:30pm) Questions, comments, … ???
Course Overview: Part 1: Introduction (text: Chapter 1) What is the Internet, What is a protocol? Network edge, network core, network access Physical media Delay, loss in packet-switched networks Protocol layers, service models Internet backbones and ISPs A brief history of networking, Internet
A top-down approach: We’ll cover networking top-down end-system applications, end-end transport network core: routing, hooking nets together link-level protocols, e.g., Ethernet other stuff: security, management, multimedia
Course Overview: Part 2: Application Layer (text: Ch. 2) Principles of application-layer protocols The World Wide Web: HTTP File transfer: FTP Electronic mail in the Internet The Internet's directory service: DNS Socket programming PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 1
Course Overview: Part 3: Transport Layer (text Ch. 3) Transport-layer services and principles Multiplexing and demultiplexing applications Connectionless transport: UDP Principles of reliable of data transfer TCP case study Principles of congestion control TCP congestion control
Course Overview: Part 4: Network Layer (text: Ch. 4) Introduction and network service model Routing principles PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 2 Hierarchical routing IP: the Internet Protocol Routing in the Internet What’s inside a router? Mobile networks
Course Overview: Part 5: Link Layer, LANs (text: Ch. 5) Introduction, services Error detection, correction Multiple access protocols, LANs LAN addresses, ARP Ethernet Hubs, bridges, switches Wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11 PPP: the Point-to-Point protocol ATM networks