Medical Aspects of Learning Disabled Chapter 2
This is your brain
Temporal Lobe
Side Angle of the Brain All contents copyright © the Author(s) and The University of Iowa. All rights reserved. Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem Spinal Cord
Side Angle of the Brain Parietal Lobe Occipital Lobe Temporal Lobe Frontal Lobe
Causes of LD Genetic Genetic Teratogenic Insult Teratogenic Insult Perinatal Perinatal Postnatal Postnatal
Drug Interventions Neuroleptics Neuroleptics Antidepressants Antidepressants Stimulants Stimulants Tranquilizers and sedatives Tranquilizers and sedatives Lithium carbonate Lithium carbonate
Before Viewing F.A.T. City take 5 to answer the following: My feelings about the academic abilities of students with learning disabilities are… My feelings about the academic abilities of students with learning disabilities are… The problems of students with learning disabilities stem from… The problems of students with learning disabilities stem from… Among the techniques that are beneficial in assisting children with LD are… Among the techniques that are beneficial in assisting children with LD are… Learning disabilities affect the students ability to… Learning disabilities affect the students ability to…
After viewing F.A.T. City What kinds of feelings did this program evoke in you? What kinds of feelings did this program evoke in you? What did you learn from the program that was surprising or new for you? What did you learn from the program that was surprising or new for you? Do you feel that children with LD have needs that require special consideration by teachers and/or parents? Do you feel that children with LD have needs that require special consideration by teachers and/or parents? In what ways would you modify your behavior toward the child with LD based on what you have seen? In what ways would you modify your behavior toward the child with LD based on what you have seen?