© Crown copyright Met Office COSP: status and CFMIP-2 experiments A. Bodas-Salcedo CFMIP/GCSS meeting, Vancouver, 8-12 June 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

© Crown copyright Met Office COSP: status and CFMIP-2 experiments A. Bodas-Salcedo CFMIP/GCSS meeting, Vancouver, 8-12 June 2009

© Crown copyright Met Office Acknowledgements M. J. Webb (MOHC) S. Bony, H. Chepfer, J.-L. Dufresne (LMD/IPSL) S. Klein, Y. Zhang (PCMDI) R. Marchand (U. Washington) J. Haynes (Monash University)

© Crown copyright Met Office COSP (CFMIP Observational Simulator Package) Software aimed to facilitate the exploitation of satellite data in numerical models New modules can be plugged in without the need of interfacing Transform model variables to obs, avoiding ambiguity in retrievals COSP MAIN SCOPS Sub-grid cloud generator SG PRECIP Sub-grid precip generator COSP SUB-GRID CLOUDSAT CALIPSO SUMMARY STATISTICS ISCCP MISR Download from

© Crown copyright Met Office Output diagnostics CloudSat Radar reflectivity in each subcolumn Height-reflectivity histograms CALIPSO Lidar total backscatter (532 nm) Lidar molecular backscatter Height-scattering ratio histograms Low-level cloud fraction (CTP>680 hPa) Mid-levlel cloud fraction (440<CTP<680 hPa) High-level cloud fraction (CTP<440 hPa) 3D Cloud fraction Total cloud fraction MISR,PARASOL and combined PARASOL mono-directional reflectance MISR CTH-Tau histograms Total cloud fraction from CALIPSO&CloudSat 3D cloud fraction as seen from CALIPSO but not CloudSat ISCCP Mean cloud albedo Cloud optical depth in each subcoumn Mean cloud top pressure Mean 10.5 micron brightness temperature Mean clear-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature Mean cloud optical depth Cloud top pressure in each subcolumn CTP-tau histograms Total cloud fraction

© Crown copyright Met Office Examples

© Crown copyright Met Office Examples

© Crown copyright Met Office MetUM v CloudSat (Bodas-Salcedo et al., JGR, 2008) Tropical warm pool

© Crown copyright Met Office LMDZ4 v CALIOP (Chepfer et al., GRL, 2008)

© Crown copyright Met Office COSP v1.x COSP v1.x will be used for CFMIP-2 experiments v1.0 was released on 6 th April 2009 It contains all the capabilities v1.1 was released on 22 nd May 2009 Several bug fixes Namelists with standard configuration for CFMIP-2 v1.2 to be released soon Final agreement on output names for CMIP5 Additional bug fixes MODIS could be included as an optional module CMOR2?

© Crown copyright Met Office COSP v2.0 New instruments RTTOV. Fast RT code for IR and PMW (Optional) MODIS. Daytime only  CF, CTP, size, and OT  All, liquid and ice  Joint CTP/OT histogram  Matching Level3 product to be produced by NASA TRMM PR sf-conv precip Others… Compatibility with CMOR 2 New diagnostics Expected to be released by Jan/Feb 2009

© Crown copyright Met Office CFMIP-2 experiments (Hansen et al., 2005) Atmosphere-only runs SSTs at 4xCO2 in 1% run More details in the CFMIP-2 summary ( and in Taylor et al., “A summary of CMIP5 experiment design”, (2008). + AMIP Ensemble-mean SSTs pattern 4xCO2 in 1% run

© Crown copyright Met Office COSP Diagnostics Long-term Short-term LT ST Daily and monthly diagnostics ISCCP Total cloud fraction, albedo, CTP, CTP-TAU histograms CALIPSO/PARASOL Low/mid/high/total CF, 3D CF, reflectance (ocean only) Curtain and monthly gridded diagnostics CloudSat reflectivity CFADs CALIPSO/PARASOL As in LT + scattering ratio CFAD and cloud fraction by CALIPSO INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT Inst. Monthly (Also requested in many other CFMIP-2 experiments)

© Crown copyright Met Office Short time series (Curtain output) INPUT 1D OUTPUT 1D Instantaneous COSP Gridding and averaging Monthly Model output 2D, 3 hourly Sub-sampling We will provide: CloudSat track for 2007 Gregorian calendar 360 day calendar Sampling program (?) CFMIP2 diagnostics T T+3 T-1.5 T+1.5 T T+3 T+1.5 OBS MODEL

© Crown copyright Met Office Observations ISCCP GOCCP (H. Chepfer’s talk) CloudSat CFADs Gridded CFADs from 2B-GEOPROF reflectivities We have requested this product to be produced by the CloudSat team Program to be distributed soon so that each modelling centre can build them at their own model resolution, or They can be downloaded from Roj Marchand’s web page:

© Crown copyright Met Office Summary Description of COSP Current status and short-term plans (v1.x) Long-term plans (v2 and beyond) CFMIP2 experiments and COSP diagnostics Visit and subscribe to COSP user mailing list to be up to datewww.cfmip.net subscribe cosp-user to

© Crown copyright Met Office Thanks!