multiagent systems (MAS) Simon Lynch
software architectures distributed mixed language concurrent
MMD for multiple users dynamic structure
agents – why? MultiAgent Systems... advanced s/w architectures dynamic, distributed decentralised control social, goal-based mobility, platform independence design-time autonomy reuse
agents – why else? MultiAgent Systems... modelling physiological & biological systems modelling social systems agents also simplify... concurrency interfacing s/w units
types of agency small scaleeg: Netlogo autonomous but limited communication genericeg: Jade, Boris (.NET?) communicative & distributed BDIeg: 2APL, Goal, Jason intentional (have plans & goals)
lecture series brief look at modelling (Netlogo) brief look at BDI (2APL) using Boris to build Java MAS agent-agent dialog sessions timers how to build a Boris
agents – what? independent software(?) entities –send & receive messages like objects but... –distributed –autonomous at design & execution –have their own process thread –tighter encapsulation & interfaces –task oriented
agents – what types? various types... web based, brokered small & mobile larger scale / intelligent...etc...
Virtual Networks normally, agents are distributed across multiple VMs multi-language VMs multiple machines Boris uses network concept based on... Portals Routers
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