Summary Taking stock Where we are today? Where do we want to be? Beyond low-hanging fruit, best policies and advice Land Use Energy Policy Transportation
Miami-Dade County: Nonlinear rise of 3 to 5 ft by Potential capital losses William D. Nordhaus The Economics of Hurricanes in the United States. NBER 12813, 47pp. Florida – Ground Zero
Alachua County Charter date: 1987 Population : 240,764 Area (sq/miles): 961 County Seat: Gainesville Joined ICLEI CCP: 1999
Alachua County Climate Change Leadership Green Infrastructure Investment Program Comprehensive Plan Alachua County Forever Land Development Regulations Collaboration Citizen Advisory Boards Intergovernmental Partnerships Intragovernmental Organization
Inventory of Emissions 1999 County joins ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection – four of five stars by 2007 Developed greenhouse gas inventory for Alachua County Establish an emissions target: 20% reduction from 1990 levels by Developed and obtained approval for Local Action Plan Implemented policies and measures Monitor and verify results (pending star)
Alachua County Carbon Liability Linear projection of total tons of carbon emissions based on 2001 GHG inventory base year est to be 2.4 M Tons CO 2 e
Community-wide Emissions by Source 1998 Alachua County Community Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory by Source Total Equivalent CO2 Emitted: 2.8 M Tons Source: 2001 Alachua County GHG Inventory
Community-wide Emissions by Segment 1998 Alachua County Community Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory by Community Segment Total Equivalent CO2 Emitted: 2.8 M Tons Source: 2001 Alachua County GHG Inventory
County Government Emissions 1998 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Alachua County Government Operations by Source Total Equivalent CO2 Emitted: 17,525 Tons Source: 2001 Alachua County GHG Inventory
Mitigation - Can we do it? William Chameides Emissions for “business-as- usual” Emissions target 80% cut in emissions by 2060 We need at least 7 wedges (More than 7?) Land Management (Green Infrastructure)
2000 Alachua County Forever land conservation program approved Land Use – Green Infrastructure
Beyond the low hanging fruit 2002 Integrate ICLEI emissions target of 20% reduction from 1990 levels by 2010 into the Comprehensive Plan 2006 County updates land use policies to promote infill development and green infrastructure 2008 Alachua County Forever protects 12,000 acres locking up 40,000 tons CO2 per year. 2008 NACo Achievement Award; Best in Category Green Infrastructure Investment Program
Approved 69 site plans, 2,038 acres*: 877 acres of green infrastructure set-aside (43%) 940 acres of pervious developed areas 221 acres (11%) of impervious area 67% tree canopy retained 540 acres of conservation areas (89% protected) 321 acres of strategic ecosystems 151 acres of listed species habitat 185 acres of wetlands preserved < 1/20 th acre of wetlands impacted * Results from March 2006 – April 2008 Alachua County Green Infrastructure from Land Development Projects
2003 New County Court House built to LEED Silver standard Energy Policy
Beyond the low hanging fruit 2002 Energy Conservation for County Facilities added to Comprehensive Plan 2003 Energy Conservation and Resource Reduction Program to conserve and cut energy usage by 1/3 2003 Landfill gas to energy project 4,179 tons CO2 Offset per year and 57,120 tons CO2e for methane 2003 New County Court House built to LEED Silver standard. 2005 electronic ballasts and CFLs saves $330k and approximately 98 tons of CO2; Energy performance contracting saves $118k
Hybrids – First Toyota Prius purchased 2000 Transportation
Beyond the low hanging fruit 2001 County bus passes for employees As of 2007 Gainesville RTS 8.9 million passenger trips offsetting 6,150 tons CO2/year As of % of the County cars, trucks or utility vehicles are either hybrid or pure electric 2008 FloridaWorks GreenRide web-based carpool matching service 2008 Bus Rapid Transit integral part of mixed use development, Newberry Village 2008 MTPO Investigates Peak Oil for long range transportation model – First in the Southeast
Conclusion Land Use: Value Green Infrastructure; especially wetlands Energy Policy: Energy conservation for County structures, LEED Standards; Preparing for Peak Oil Transportation: Multimodal transportation; walk; bike, bus and bus rapid transit Start now Ask for help Involve and educate your citizens Have land use policies that address climate change Measure your performance Be ready for the benefits of coming carbon markets (and your community’s carbon liability) Best Policies to reduce CO 2 Best Advice
Resources Alachua County Website Alachua County Comprehensive Plan Alachua County Environmental Protection Department Climate change and land use in Florida: Interdependencies and opportunities Potential for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy to Meet Florida's Growing Energy Demand Opportunities for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Through Forestry and Agriculture in Florida