Support youngsters entering labour market at Hungarian PES Dr. Borbély-Pecze, Tibor Bors Advisor
2 Unemployment rate (less than 25 years) Source: Eurostat, LFS Higher than the EU average Mainly career-starters with no qualification
3 JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecMonthly average under over Total distribution, % under 19 1,8 1,7 1,82,12,2 1, ,8 12,712,512,613,413,5 12, ,225,125,024,924,824,624,324,2 24, ,1 26,025,9 25,825,5 25, ,124,0 23,9 23,723,3 23,8 over 55 10,010,210,510,911,311,511,4 10,9 Total100,0 Number and distribution of registered jobseekers by age groups (2011) Source: National Employment Office /
4 Monthly number and distribution of registered jobseeking school-leavers by level of education (U25 registered by ISCED levels) Source: National Employment Office / JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecMonthly average primary education vocational or technical education secondary school higher education no data Total Distribution, % primary education 36,937,037,438,339,637,132,331,536,2 vocational or technical education 18,217,817,417,016,918,819,919,618,2 secondary school 37,637,437,236,735,937,240,741,638,1 higher education 7,37,98,0 7,66,97,27,47,5 no data 0,0 Total100,0
5 Good practices 1.Complex programmes for youth integration 2. START - wage subsidy programme 3. Career Fairs 4. National Lifelong Guidance Portal and network of guidance professionals
Complex Programmes for supporting career- starters (I.) 1.Helping career-starters to gain work-experience by covering his/her wage for the maximum of 365 days career-starters/year 2.Employment support by covering the wage of a career starter who has been trained by the concerned employer career-starters/year 3.Trainings to increase employability 4.Group career guidance develop individual learning/working plans 6
Youth ‘START’ programme (II.) Young people entering the labour market are served by it even if they do not become unemployed. As opposed to the regular 27 %, employers pay 10 and 20 % contributions in the first and the second period of the subsidy, respectively. The scheme is differentiated by the education level of the beneficiary (making both the first and the second period one year for those with below-higher education, while the same periods are nine and three months long for higher educated persons). 7
8 Good practices III. – National Guidance Portal
9 Yearly Career Fairs (IV.)
Summary PES has a key role in prevention (youth guarantee) PES can mediate between the school life and the wor l d of work for the youth Local partnership is essential for an effective cooperation Complex, integrated measures are more effective 10
11 Thank you for your attention! Dr. Borbély-Pecze, Tibor Bors