Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009 Henry Tam Analysis
Case Analysis Process Read the Questions What do they mean? Skim the Case What are the problems the actors face? Read the Assigned Readings What are main ideas that apply to the problems faced in the case? Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Using the Readings Managing Your Team Set a common agenda Balance similarity and diversity Decide on the type of team: baseball, tennis doubles? Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Using the Readings Managing Your Team Facilitate team process Establish Rules/Norms of Interaction Address conflicts and cultural differences Distribute influence based on expertise Coach the team Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Using the Readings Creating and Sustaining Trust in Virtual Teams Types of Trust (Integrity, Ability, Benevolence) Cognitive Affective Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Using the Readings Creating and Sustaining Trust in Virtual Teams Establishing the Team Communicate why each member was chosen Use cooperative rewards. Inception Show why each member’s role is important Set rules for interaction Strategies for people to get to know each other Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Using the Readings Creating and Sustaining Trust in Virtual Teams Organizing Encourage participation Prepare a roadmap on how they will work together Encourage social communication Transition Focus on getting task done Acknowledge effort and performance Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Using the Readings Creating and Sustaining Trust in Virtual Teams Accomplishing the Task Show support Create and environment of support. Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Case Analysis Process Carefully Read the Case Look for situations and facts that may be important to answering case questions. Are the people in the case doing things that are contrary to or in agreement with what is recommended in the readings? Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Writing Your Case What are your three best arguments ? List all possible arguments you could make. Which ones are strongest? Find fact in the case that support the arguments that you choose based on the readings. Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009
Writing Your Case State the argument that you are making. Find support for it in the readings. State what was said in the reading. Explain what the author means. Explain how the actors in the case did or did not do what was recommended in the reading. Be sure to distinguish between fact and opinion. Explain how this led to their success or failure. Copyright Dr. M. Myra S. White, Harvard University, 2009