Muon Week, Dec V. Polychronakos Page1 CSC Detector Control System V. Polychronakos, BNL
Muon Week, Dec V. Polychronakos Page 2 CSC DCS Constraints High Radiation Environment (up to 20 krad ionizing dose – worst case inner radius, but no safety factor) Hi risk of SEE following design considerations: Few components, radiation qualified No memories, no configuration registers No JTAG, I2C, etc Galvanic isolation of Chambers, no copper connections to chambers other than LV, HV – All signals to/from the chamber transmitted optically Although certain sensors may be located on the chambers DCS components (ELMB etc) have to be at a larger radius (perimeter of Small Wheel, spokes, or even coexist with EI MDTs??
Muon Week, Dec V. Polychronakos Page 3 CSC DCS Requirements Three distinct categories: Category 1. ASMI/ASMII voltage and current monitoring Calibration Category 2. B-field sensors Radiation levels Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure (at two points/Endcap) Category 3. HV/LV control and monitoring Gas system control and monitoring Cooling System control and monitoring
Muon Week, Dec V. Polychronakos Page 4 Implementation Plan Category 1 – Sensors in Faraday Cage, Use data path to ROD, then DDC link(ethernet) to DCS system Category 2 – Custom (copy someone’s?) sensor/ELMB Category 3 – Provided CANbus links (e.g. Wiener PS, etc) Not clear if Gas and Cooling System components will provide similar links, but copy what others in ATLAS invent Establish collaboration with NTU team for implementation of needed Hardware, Software, and overall System Architecture