CRM Strategies 顧客關係管理經營策略


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Presentation transcript:

CRM Strategies 顧客關係管理經營策略

Outline Strategic Management Process Porter’s Competitive Force Model Porter’s Value Chain Model Balanced Scorecard平衡計分卡 策略目標擬定因素 CRM Core Competency Environment Analysis環境分析

Strategic Management Process 策略管理程序 A nine-step process that involves strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation . The energy crisis, deregulation in the marketplace, rapidly changing technology, and increasing global competition have changed the nature of planning forever. Managers now must analyze the environment, assess organizational strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities for gaining competitive advantage. Then, they must develop strategic plans based on their findings. Senior management uses the nine-step strategic management process to develop organizational strategy. Exhibit 3.5

Porter’s Competitive Forces Model

Porter五競爭力模式 潛在進入者 供應商 同業 購買者 替代品 新進入者的威脅 供應商的 議價力量 購買者的 議價力量 既有廠商 間的對抗 替代品的威脅 替代品

Value Chain with potential IS initiatives

Balanced ScoreCard平衡計分卡(BSC) Customer Perspective顧客構面 Learning & Growth Perspective 學習與成長構面 Internal Process Perspective內部流程構面 Financial Perspective 財務構面

策略目標擬定因素 企業策略 顧客策略 企業文化 CRM目標 技術支援 關鍵成功因素: 人(60%)+流程(30%)+科技(10%)

CRM Core Competency核心競爭力 找尋顧客的能力 辨識出最有價值的顧客能力 找出有潛力顧客的能力 與顧客保持良好互動的能力 留住顧客的能力

CRM環境分析 3 C Analysis Customer Analysis Competitor Analysis Segmentation, Psychology, Behavior Competitor Analysis Benchmark, Best Practice Company Analysis

Strategies for Dealing with Customers Unsegmented, mass marketing: Aggregated Standardized offering Low cost/customer Ex: paper clips Market segmentation Custom Marketing: One-to-one Tailored offering High cost/customer Ex: tailors, doctors Key: Find the right level of aggregation

CRM Perspectives CRM at the Functional level Set of processes to execute marketing functions like sales force automation or mktg. campaign management CRM at the Customer-facing level Set of activities that provide a single-view of the customer across all contact channels Customer intelligence obtained is available across all customer-facing functions CRM at the Organizational level - Strategic CRM Knowledge about customers and their preferences have implications for the entire organization

Steps in Developing a CRM Strategy Gain enterprise-wide commitment Build a CRM project team Analysis of business requirements Define the CRM strategy

Step One: Gain Enterprise-wide Commitment Top-down management commitment Bottom-up buy-in from system users Dedicated full-time project team Budget allocation for the total solution

Step Two: Build A CRM Project Team Obtain active representation from: Management - Provide leadership, motivation and supervision Information services/technical personnel - Ensure CRM system compatible with existing software applications Sales, marketing and services groups - Evaluate usability of CRM system based on effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction Financial staff - Provide critical analysis for assessment of increased sales productivity, evaluation of operating costs, estimated cost of system expansion and ROI projections External CRM expert - Provide a valuable source of objective information and feedback

Step Three-Analysis of Business Requirements Gathering information to: Identify the services and products that are being supported Map current workflows, interfaces, and inter-dependencies Review existing technologies, features and capabilities Discuss the vision for the business and the operational plan Define business requirements Develop enhanced business workflows and processes Identify gaps in technology functionality Map functionality to business processes Develop a new technology and functionality framework Develop a conceptual design and prototype plan

Step Four: Define the CRM Strategy a. Value Proposition b. Business case A Defined CRM Strategy --------> c. Customer strategy d. Enterprise transformation plan e. Other stakeholders

The Value Proposition Areas to be addressed: Multi-faceted package of product, service, process, price, communication, and interaction that customers experience in their relationships with a company Areas to be addressed: What the customers value – what the company should focus on What the company says it offers the customers What the company actually offers the customers

Business Case Business Directly link delivery of customer value with creation of shareholder value Ensure acceptable ROI Addresses: Planned increase in economic value of customers over the duration of their relationship with the company Reference and referral effects-increased investment in customer satisfaction resulting in increased customer acquisition Impact of learning and innovation- reduce cost incurred through higher marketing effectiveness and improved products and services Business

Customer Strategy Defines how the company will build and manage a portfolio of customers Covers: Customer understanding - Customers benchmark expectations against past experience and best-in-class standards Customer competitive context - awareness of competitor’s services and how to increase customer share Customer affiliation - primary factor affecting ability to both retain and extract greater value from customer through cross-sell and up-sell efforts Customer management competencies - providing customized offers including customized products, services, communication, prices, etc

Enterprise Transformation Plan Covers: Business process Organization Location and facilities Data flows Application architecture Technology infrastructure

Key Stakeholders of Strategic CRM Customers Employees Partners Owners Suppliers Preferred Value Propositions Management Practice of Strategic CRM

Other Stakeholders Important stakeholders of a company : management, customers, suppliers, employees, and partners in addition to owners/stockholders Exceptions where the customer may not be the most important constituency: In industries where customers derive satisfaction mostly by interacting with employees, such as airline and hotel industry, the most important constituency may be the internal customer – the employee For a company just entering a new market, the most important constituency may be distribution partners