The Achiever The Achiever National Delta Tau Alpha Newsletter October 2007 Check out the To submit Form 40’s after every meeting to so that your chapter can be included in the newsletter. Don’t Forget!!! November 15 Deadlines -Returning Members and Chapter Officer Report -Annual Chapter Dues -Get all shirt orders in as soon as possible! Order through your chapter, not individually!
Thought Food For Thought National Service Project!!! -Will be brought up during business sessions at convention -Fundraising competition between chapters -Traveling trophy would be awarded to winning school each year -Talk with your chapters and bring you ideas to convention! Active Chapter Award -The chapter that has the highest percentage attending convention -Help to encourage attendance to National Convention -Traveling trophy awarded to winning chapter each year -Chapter hosting convention not eligible to enter that year
Ponder as you wander around campus “Happy he who far from business, like the primitive are of mortals, cultivates with his own oxen the fields of his fathers, free from all anxieties of gain.” Horace “Every bushel of industrial corn requires the equivalent of between a quarter and a third of a gallon of oil to grow it—or around fifty gallons of oil per acre of corn. (Some estimates are much higher.) Put another way, it takes more than a calorie of fossil fuel energy to produce a calorie of food; before the advent of chemical fertilizer the Naylor farm produced more than two calories of food energy for every calorie of energy invested. From the standpoint of industrial efficiency, it’s too bad we can’t simply drink the petroleum directly.” Michael Pollen
Get it while it is HOT!!! -served caramel apples at school fall social -Finishing meat sales -Homecoming Activities -Working on t-shirts -End of the year BBQ -Initiation Dinner -Ag Olympics -Inducted 24 members -Fall Festival -Homecoming Activities