1 Full Mission Testing: Third Teleconference West Virginia University Rocketeers Student team: N. Barnett, R. Baylor, L. Bowman, M. Gramlich, C. Griffith, S. Majstorovic, D. Parks, B. Pitzer, K. Tewey, E. Wolfe Faculty advisors: Y. Gu, D.J. Pisano, D. Vassiliadis May 27, 2010
2 Summary of Changes Since Last Report -Radio board -PCB v. 1 integration started -Transmitter tests -Receiver filter: decision for RLC -PCB v. 2 ordered (to be delivered 6/2) -Main board -Sensor calibration: ongoing -Independent testing scheduled -Interfacing with canister partners -Solidworks designs to be sent to Temple
3 Radio board Integration on PCBs: Transmitter Receiver
4 Radio Board: Transmitter Now implemented on PCB Undergoing tests
5 Radio Board: Receiver LC filter chosen Integration started
6 Programmable Elements The ColdFire PIT is used to control the digital capacitor. Currently we can control simultaneously multiple capacitors: useful in extending range or resolution of effective transmission frequency.
7 Radio PCB: Outlook v. 2: Transmitter and receiver now consolidated on single board. Ordered 5/27, expected 6/2.
8 Main Board Sensor calibration: ongoing. Data storage: transition to binary files, more efficient storage.
9 Independent Testing Tests scheduled at ATK for Thursday, June 3. Tests planned: 1.Functional: students perform a demo of control and data acquisition software 2.Solder inspection/connectivity of circuit cards: by JSTD-certified engineer 3.Thermal/vacuum: -20º to +85º C 4.Vibration: Low amplitude sine sweep: Hz Random: g 2 /Hz, Hz
10 Vibration Testing ATK will build a basic fixture to mount payload plate We will provide them with the payload and canister
11 Integration with Canister Partners Solidworks files sent to Temple team Calculation of mass properties
12 Overall Analysis Launch readiness: we are still working on several issues related to the radio reception and control. We focus on two areas: 1. Circuit integration on PCB. 2. Antenna transmission/reception tests indicate inductive (magnetic) rather than RF coupling. This is probably due to a mismatch in the circuit impedances. Otherwise we have been integrating the radio board!
13 Conclusions Issues and concerns: –Transmission/reception tests are continuing. Summary/Closing remarks: -The main board will be taken to independent testing on June 3. -There is additional work to be done on several radio board components.