1D, 2D integrated Flood Risk Mapping (Incheon-gyo Catchment) Team RED Seongjoon BYEON Myeongsoo HAM Michele ROMANO K. Shobha YADAV Masahiko TERAZONO ADVISER : Gyewoon CHOI
Leader : Seongjoon Byeon Nationality : Korea The date of Birth : December 13, 1979 (Age : 27) University : Incheon Regional Environmental Technology Development Center, National University of Incheon, University Nice Sophia- Antipolis Major : Civil & Environment Hydraulics
HYDROASIA TEAM-RED Member : Myeongsoo Ham Nationality : Korea The date of Birth : August 15, 1981 (Age : 25) University : Incheon Regional Environmental Technology Development Center, National University of Incheon Major : Civil & Environment Hydraulics
HYDROASIA TEAM-RED Member : Shobha Kumari Yadav Nationality : Nepal The date of Birth : August 20, 1980 (Age: 26) University : Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore Major : Environmental Management
HYDROASIA TEAM-RED Member : Michele Romano Nationality : Italy The date of Birth : February 11, 1978 (Age : 29) University : Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore, Technical University of Bari Major : Civil & Environmental
HYDROASIA TEAM-RED Member : Masahiko Terazono Nationality : Japan The date of Birth : September 28, 1983 (Age : 23) University : Kyoto University Major : Civil & Environmental
HYDROASIA TEAM-RED Adviser : Gye woon Choi Nationality : Korea Professor of National University of Incheon Executive director of Incheon Regional Environmental Technology Development Center
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Main purpose –Runoff analysis based on rainfall data and DEM –Mapping Flood Risk –Comparison with Real Flood –Comparison with results simulated with different parameters and model –To find out optimized Storm Performance
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Making good experiences –Collaborating on a study with foreign students using the internet as a common working and communication platform –Sharing knowledge and skills –Experiencing the ‘Technological Culture’ for a sustainable water management
Production of Weekly Reports Production of Documents and easy tutorials UPLOADING THE PLATFORM
Flow chart Overall frame work MIKE FLOOD Set up Coupling Preprocessing for MOUSE Run Model Check the result and evaluation Set up Validation MIKE21 Model Overall frame work MOUSE Model Set up Validation Preparation GIS Rainfall Analysis
INTRODUCTION Incheon city –Area : ㎢ –Population : 2,686,022 persons –Density of population : 2,680 persons/ ㎢ –Location : A gateway to Northeast Asia with both international port and international airport in its hand Incheon is located in the mid-west Korea peninsula abutting the Yellow Sea. A city located 28km from the nation’s capital, Seoul, lies at 126° 37´ of east longitude and 37° 28´ of north latitude. San Francisco, Washington, Madrid, and Teheran are found on the same latitude. `
INTRODUCTION Incheon-gyo Catchment Area : 3,091.7 ha Elevation : 5.4~24.0 m (EL+) 33.1% of area is less than 7m (EL+) Avg. of Slope : 0.01 % Avg. of Rainfall : 1,702.3 mm/year Landuse : Residence, Market, Industrial and Green (Hill, Agriculture) LocationResidenceMarketIndustrialGreenTotal Incheon gyo Covered Openchannel Left ,183.6 Right Seoknam Canal Total ,091.7
PRE-PROCESSING WITH GIS A GIS is a computer system capable of capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information GIS can display the Earth in realistic, 3D perspective views & animations that convey information more effectively The main purpose of GIS analysis is to study the topographical characteristics of the study area which is further used for flood modelling
PRE-PROCESSING WITH GIS Clipping map as catchment shape Making Terrain map with interpolation
PRE-PROCESSING WITH GIS Making grid-Raster data set Exporting data set as Ascii file
PRE-PROCESSING WITH GIS (ArcScene) 3D representation of building within catchment area
PRE-PROCESSING WITH GIS (ArcScene) 3D representation of road network within catchment area
INTRODUCTION-MIKE FLOOD MIKE FLOOD –Hydrodynamic Integrated model with 1D and 2D –The result of either 1D or 2D model can be transferred as input of another model 1D Model –MOUSE : For Analyzing Urban Sewage –MIKE 11 : For Analyzing Open Channel Flow 2D Model –MIKE 21 : For Analyzing surface complicated overflow
INTRODUCTION-MIKE FLOOD Rainfall Runoff Surface Runoff Overflow Re-inflow after flood Flow-capacity excess Sewage/Rainfall water
URBAN DRAINAGE MODEL SETUP Importing Network system data into MOUSE Setting up Urban Drainage model with MOUSE Validation
URBAN DRAINAGE MODEL SETUP Import Ascii data-set as bathymetry Setting up Urban Bathymetry with MIKE21 Validation OptionValue Time Step 1sec Max Cr=0.4 Grid Size10m
MIKEFLOOD MODEL SETUP Setting up MIKE Flood model Coupling : Link MOUSE Manholes to MIKE21 Preprocessing for MOUSE Model Running Model Check the results
Catchment boundary Gajwa-WWTP Cityhall Ganseok st. Juan st. Incheon gyo Pump Station Flooded area ANALYZING RESULTS
Comparing the Result (Modeled VS Reported)
CONCLUSION The Simulation has been built through web-collaboration of Team-Red Model has been run successfully with good looking result The advantage mapping with 2D surface runoff modeling could be found as following –The terrain characteristic can be considered –The lag due to the puddle, discontinuity can be considered –The magnification of result can be prevented with distribution of flooded water to another manhole This study is expected to be continued as following further plan
FURTHER PLAN Applying Building layer map Investigating the way to apply runoff coefficient Applying RTC gate and pump Discussion of 2D Runoff result Discussion of Precipitation Intensity Discussion of Solution Comparison with results simulated with different parameters and model
Lets take pride in being TEAM RED !!!