The Sunrays
The project: Geometry in shadows
Rationale and core concepts Allow the children to realize that under artificial light the shape of the shadow of an object has the ability to change its form. However under light from the sun, the shape of the shadow of an object remains conserved
Description of the activity Comparison between the shadows of different geometrical figures in different light sources Indoor/sun light Recording of the results by using chalk/drawings Presenting and comparing the results
Target group Age-group: 7-12 years Children with basic knowledge of geometrical figures.
Materials Chalk Geometrical figures: square – triangle – circle Use objects in the class that represent the geometrical figures Camera A3-paper Pencils
Setting of the class Divide the class into 2 groups: One will work indoors using artificial light The other outdoors using sunlight Further divide the 2 groups in sub-groups of 4 persons. Each using a different geometrical figure Define the settings, methods and work-areas When the experiment is completed the results are compared in a whole class manner
Space and time Time: 2 lessons (first lesson about basic geometrical figures) (second lesson practice) 50 minutes each Total: 1 hour and 40 minutes Space: Indoor and outdoor
References Geometry book Experiment book IP Erasmus Programme