Vale and Sustainability in Urban Mining Operations
1.Mission and company overview 2.Key social challenges in mining 3.Infrastructure, public management, and human and economic development Summary
Our Mission “To transform mineral resources into prosperity and sustainable development” For our shareholders For our customers For our employees For our suppliers For our communities and countries where we operate
Activities in Mining, Logistics and Energy # 1 in total shareholder return Social Responsibility in every action Market cap grew 16 fold between Present in over 30 countries 92,100 employees and permanent contractors VALE AT A GLIMPSE – Pioneering mining company that works with passion, transforming mineral resources into essential components of people’s everyday lives.
Vale’s operations around the world
LOCAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Considering that Vale: - Has a strong relation with the soil; - Generates positive and negative social, environmental and economic impacts; - Remains for a long time in each region it operates. Considering that Vale: - Has a strong relation with the soil; - Generates positive and negative social, environmental and economic impacts; - Remains for a long time in each region it operates. The territorial dimension of the sustainable development Strategic
CREATING A POSITIVE LEGACY To Vale, sustainable development is achieved when our businesses provide value to our shareholders and establish a positive social, economic and environmental legacy in the territories where we operate. Minerals
VALE’S MISSION Vale is present in territories stricken by social vulnerabilities: Low public system efficiency in health, education and safety areas; Infrastructure deficits; Local manpower and supplier skill set substandard; High rate of informal employment; Demographic pressure to search for new employment opportunities. Vale is present in territories stricken by social vulnerabilities: Low public system efficiency in health, education and safety areas; Infrastructure deficits; Local manpower and supplier skill set substandard; High rate of informal employment; Demographic pressure to search for new employment opportunities. Transform Mineral Resources into Wealth and Sustainable Development Mining brings opportunities to the territories: Economic Investment; Tax Revenues; Employment, Wage effect, Salary Mass; Local acquisitions. Mining brings opportunities to the territories: Economic Investment; Tax Revenues; Employment, Wage effect, Salary Mass; Local acquisitions. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: THE BIG CHALLENGE
COMMITMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES WHERE VALE IS PRESENT QUALIFY PRIVATE SOCIAL INVESTMENT AND SEEK INTEREST CONVERGENCE Enable social and economic development Construct strategic alliances between State, Society and Company for structuring initiatives Construct strategic alliances between State, Society and Company for structuring initiatives Go beyond venture impact management Contributes to Private InvestmentEconomic Growth Sustainable Private InvestmentSocioeconomic Development CREATION OF A PUBLIC PRIVATE SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP - PPSP CONVERGENT VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT
INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT PLANS SOCIOECONOMIC DIAGNOSTICS STRUCTURING ACTIONS MONITORING AND EVALUATION SOCIAL DIALOGUE – INTERSECTORAL PARTNERSHIPS Public Sector + Civil Society + Private Sector SOCIAL DIALOGUE – INTERSECTORAL PARTNERSHIPS Public Sector + Civil Society + Private Sector HOW WE OPERATE Impact Management Positive and Negative Impact Management Positive and Negative Support to Public Management Support to Public Management Infrastructure and Housing Infrastructure and Housing Human and Economic Development Human and Economic Development
PARAGOMINAS: USD 22.2 M for housing – Project cost (seed money): USD 444 K OURILÂNDIA DO NORTE: USD M (USD 33.3M to obtain) for sewage Project cost (seed money): USD 194K PARAUAPEBAS: USD 66.6 M for sewage (Support and articulation for obtaining process) MARABÁ: USD 22.2 M for housing (Support and articulation for obtaining process) Vale Foundation accumulated investment: USD 12.1 M in 72 projects in order to raise USD M in Federal funds USD M already transferred to 4 cities: INFRASTRUCTURE 2008 / 2009 Objective: to help the deficit reduction of urban and housing infrastructure in the cities where Vale operates by developing executive engineering projects to raise federal funds.
AÇÃO SAÚDE – HEALTH CARE ACTION Reducing child mortality 2 cities of Maranhão State PARTNERS: CANAL FUTURA AND FIOCRUZ PARTNER: CEDAC AÇÃO EDUCAÇÃO – ACTION IN EDUCATION Improving public education management 16 cities of Maranhão HR MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Payroll systematization and strategic planning of Abaetetuba - Pará URBAN CLEANING PLAN Bidding process development Garbage collection and disposal Development of collecting system and sanitary landfill in Marabá PUBLIC SECURITY Security hotline in Parauapebas - Pará Slums urbanization Parauapebas - Pará Investment: USD K Investiment: USD K PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Objective: to help counties improve public management, give more transparency to tax revenues, focus resources from mining taxes to reduce deficits of infrastructure, housing and the improvement of public services; support land ownership legalization and urban order.
ESCOLA QUE VALE VALE SCHOOL Continuous education and training for teachers VALE ALFABETIZAR VALE LITERACY Adults and young adults education NOVAS ALIANÇAS NEW ALLIANCES Structuring Children and Adolescents' Councils PARTNER: CEDAC PARTNER: ALFASOL PARTNER: OFICINA DE IMAGENS Investment: USD 2.751M Participants: people ( ) Investment: USD M Participants: people ( ) Investment: USD 194 K Participants: people ( ) PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SUPPORT
HUMAN AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - KNOWLEDGE STATIONS Strategic Alliances among Vale, the Local Government, Civil Society and the Private Sector. The Knowledge Stations offer opportunity to thousands of people: each centre will benefit around children and youngsters and will help build a legacy of standardized and institutionalized knowledge for the community. The investments on human and economic development are made through the Knowledge Stations that promotes professional, sportive, cultural and economic activities.
Educational Center Processing and Commercialization Center Processing and Commercialization Center Technology Reference Center Technology Reference Center Permanent Technical Support Permanent Technical Support Organizing Business Processes Organizing Business Processes Programs/Descentralized actions Programs/Actions centralized in the Knowledge Stations Sports Cultural Activities Citizenship KNOWLEDGE STATION – AXES OF ACTION
Thank you! Vania Somavilla Director of Environment and Sustainable Development Silvio Vaz Director of the Vale Foundation and of the Department of Social Responsibility and Regional Communications Liesel Filgueiras General Manager for Corporate Social Responsibility