Realistic Facial Modelling For Animation
Facial Modeling For Animation Building a general face mesh Building a general face mesh 3D digitization of the face 3D digitization of the face Animating Animating
Building a general face mesh Number of nodes Number of nodes Computational cost Computational cost
3D Digitization Methods Photogrammetry of several images Photogrammetry of several images Structured Lighting Structured Lighting Stereo using markers Stereo using markers Othogonal magnetic fields Othogonal magnetic fields Sound captures Sound captures Lazer digitizer Lazer digitizer Cyberware Color Digitizer Cyberware Color Digitizer
3D Digitization of the Face Image Processing Image Processing Generic Face Mesh and Mesh Adaptation Generic Face Mesh and Mesh Adaptation Estimation of Relaxed Face Model Estimation of Relaxed Face Model
3D Digitization of the Face Input1: RGB texture map
3D Digitization of the Face Input2: Range Map
3D Digitization of the Face Input2: Range Map 3D
Image Processing
Image Processing (cont.)
Generic Face Mesh and Mesh Adaptation K. Waters. A muscle model for animating threedimensional facial expression. Computer Graphics, Advantages: Well-defined features Efficient Triangulation
Modified Laplacian h = 1 is the discrete step size
Mesh Adaptation Procedures 1. Locate noise tip 2. Locate chin tip 3. Locate mouth contour 4. Locate chin contour 5. Locate ears 6. Locate eyes 7. Activate spring forces 8. Adapt hair mesh 9. Conform to 3D
Faces after conforming to 3D Generic Mesh Heidi George
Estimation of Relaxed Face Model Modify Mesh Adaptation Procedures: Modify Mesh Adaptation Procedures: Store nodal longitude/laditude into adapted face model. Store nodal longitude/laditude into adapted face model. Perform lip adaptation Perform lip adaptation Store nodel range values into adapted face model. Store nodel range values into adapted face model.
Estimation of Relaxed Face Model (cont.)
Animation Parameterized Models Parameterized Models Control-point Models Control-point Models Kinematic Muscle Models Kinematic Muscle Models Texture-map Assembly Models Texture-map Assembly Models Finite Element Models Finite Element Models Dynamic Muscle Models Dynamic Muscle Models
Dynamic Muscle Models Generic Mesh Heidi George
References Y. Lee, D. Terzopoulos, and K. Waters. Realistic modeling for facial animation. In Computer Graphics Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 95, Los Angeles, CA August Y. Lee, D. Terzopoulos, and K. Waters. Realistic modeling for facial animation. In Computer Graphics Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 95, Los Angeles, CA August Y.C. Lee, D. Terzopoulos, and K. Waters. Constructing physics- based facial models of individuals. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’93, Toronto, May Y.C. Lee, D. Terzopoulos, and K. Waters. Constructing physics- based facial models of individuals. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’93, Toronto, May K. Waters. A muscle model for animating three-dimensional facial expression. Computer Graphics, K. Waters. A muscle model for animating three-dimensional facial expression. Computer Graphics, 1987.