slide 1 Control Software for the CMS Pixel Readout 28 April 2004 R.Stone, Rutgers (J.Doroshenko, DW.Kim, U.Joshi, L.Perera, J.C. Yun, et al) CMS Pixel Workshop Overview of Pixel Control System Status of US-based work Incorporation into prod. & system testing What is next Vers 1.4
slide 2 CMS Pixel Control
slide 3 What exists now? “Cosmo” (vers.1.6.9c) for pulsing, LED, 90Sr: PSI43 –1 st version about 1 year ago –Now 10 versions later –Written in C, Tcl –I/O via PC parallel port to a “FEC” & FPGA TBM –Server communication limits to 30 Hz rate “Run Control” GUI + Cosmo for Testbeam –DAQ integrated to Si Strip telescope –Currently In use at FNAL Testbeam –Now for PSI43 –PSI46 ready in ~1month
slide 4 Cosmo – Hardware: PSI 43
slide 5 Cosmo Pixel GUI
slide 6 Cosmo DAC screen
slide 7 Cosmo ADC Tool
slide 8 PSI 43 Calibration Analysis
slide 9 IZM 34B chip0 (1x2) at T=-20C Thresh, Pedestal, Gain Address levels, Charge Pulser Calibration analysis
slide 10 What exists now? “Cosmo” (vers.1.6.9c) for pulsing, LED, 90Sr: PSI43 –1 st version 1 year ago –Now 10 versions later –Written in C, Tcl –I/O via PC parallel port to a FEC & FPGA TBM “Run Control” GUI + Cosmo for Testbeam –Pixel DAQ integrated with Si Strip telescope –Currently In use at FNAL Testbeam –Now using PSI43 –PSI46 ready in ~1month
slide 11 FNAL Testbeam DAQ Overview
slide 12 Testbeam Run Control Gui
slide 13 Chip 0 Chip 1 Sr90 row column Chip 0Chip 1 Sensitive at column edge Chip0 has bad double columns at 21, 28 33B Chip0,1 90Sr Analysis
slide 14 Cosmo changes: PSI 43 46 –Hardware –New DAC specifications –Pixels: 150x150 (2756) 100x150 (4160) –Scripting and rate improvements –Should be ready in 1 month Production Testing –Initial Plaquette test (module) –3 day burn-in (32 modules) –Blade –Full disk System tests: using AOH, FED, FEC, TTC Needed Soon
slide 15 Cosmo - Hardware: PSI 46
slide 16 Near Term Plan At FNAL: get Linux PCs –Install PVSS and XDAC Try simple monitoring Use XDAC process control –Install DB –ORCA Summer ’04 Modify analysis and control software –Production testing –System testing –Integrate DB coupling –ORCA?
slide 17 Conclusions Software exists to control modules of PSI43. PSI 43 control software used for bench and testbeam. Modifications underway to achieve PSI46 readout. Structure exists to evolve into production testing. Incorporate more of the CMS environment to get to final runtime system.