Pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec 2008 1 pp cross sections at the LHC Konstantin Goulianos The Rockefeller University Forward.


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Presentation transcript:

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec pp cross sections at the LHC Konstantin Goulianos The Rockefeller University Forward Physics at the LHC Manchester, UK, 6-8 Dec 2008

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec Contents  References  Strategy  Renormalization  Cross LHC  Global fit to p ± p,  ± p, K ± p x-sections  Bonus: the ratio of  ' / 

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec References CDF PRD 50, 5518 (1994)  1800 & 546 GeV CDF PRD 50, 5535 (1994)  1800 & 546 GeV CDF PRD 50, 5550 (1994)  1800 & 546 GeV KG-PR Physics Reports 101, No.3 (1983) KG-95 PLB 358, 379 (1995) Renormalization Erratum: PLB 363, 268 (1995) CMG-96 PLB 389, 176 (1996)Global fit to p ± p,  ±, K ± p

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec  Froissart bound (s in GeV 2 )  For m 2 = m  2   /m 2 ~ 10 4 mb – large!  If m 2 = s o = (mass) 2 of a large SUPER glue BALL, the bound can be reached at a much lower s-value, s F,   Determine s F and s 0 from  T SD  Show that √s F < 1.8 TeV  Show that at √s = 1.8 TeV Reggeon contributions are negligible  Get cross section at the LHC as Strategy

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec Renormalization  Two free parameters: s 0 and g PPP  Obtain product g PPP s 0  from  SD  Renormalized Pomeron flux determines s 0  Get unique solution for g PPP Pomeron-proton x-section Pomeron flux

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec Renormalization   Flux integral depends on s and s 0  “knee” √s-position determines s value where flux becomes unity  get s o   s   s  = -2  s/s = -4 (  √s)/√s  get error in s o from error in √s-knee Single Diffraction KG-95 Pomeron flux

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec The value of s o - a bird’s-eye view 22 ± 1 GeV  s 0 = 1 ± 0.2 GeV KG-95 √s (GeV)  Cool [KG]FNAL1420 Albrow ISR o ArmitageISR  error in knee position: ± 1 GeV

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec The value of s o - limited edition CDF shape of renormalized  SD E396  use CDF points to fix the level of renormalized curve  use E396 points to fix the level of the Regge curve  both curves are somewhat high in this plot  adjusting height leads to the same “knee” position shape of Regge s 

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec The SUPERBALL cross-section  Froissart bound  Valid above “knee” at √s = 22 GeV and therefore at √s = 1.8 TeV  Use superball mass  m 2 = s 0 = (1±0.2) GeV 2  At √s 1.8 TeV Reggeon contributions are negligible (see global fit)  compatible with CGM-96 global fit result of 114 ± 5 mb (see next slides)

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec Global fit to p ± p,  ±, K ± p x-sections  INPUT  RESULTS CMG-96  Use standard Regge theory negligible

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec Born Eikonal  T at LHC from global fit   LHC √s=14 TeV: 122 ± 5 mb Born, 114 ± 5 mb eikonal  error estimated from the error in  given in CMG-96 caveat: s o =1 GeV 2 was used in global fit! Compare with SUPERBALL  (14 TeV) = 113 ± 6 mb

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec DISCUSSION

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec BONUS - the ratio of  '/   The key!

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec thank you

pp cross sections at the LHC K. Goulianos UK 6-8 Dec BACKUP - Standard Regge theory Parameters:  s 0, s 0 ' and g(t)  set s 0 ‘ = s 0 (universal IP)  g(t)  g(0) ≡ g PPP see KG-PR  determine s 0 and g PPP – how? (KG-95)