International Polar Year (IPY): STG The polar regions are symbolic, providing demonstrable evidence of human fingerprint on climate change processes –High-lat. climate change has a broad range of physical, bio- geochemical, and socio-economic impacts (e.g. IPCC 4 th AR; Stern Report etc) –impacts lie at heart of the scientific basis and justification for polar-orbiting satellites IPY provides a unique opportunity to Space Agencies: –already federates over 60 nations in high-latitude research –Comprehensively planned in-situ, airborne and satellite-borne experiments No better opportunity to establish framework for delivering a coordinated satellite legacy dataset –All-time peak in terms of number of relevant polar-orbiters?
RA2 & ASAR/Envisat C-band Cryosphere Satellite Missions Planned/Pending approvalIn orbitApproved Aster/MODIS/EOS-Terra PALSAR/ALOS L-band RADARSAT-3 SAR/COSMO-SKYMED X-band TERRASAR-X X-band MODIS & AMSR-E/EOS-Aqua ICESAT SMOS WindSat GMES S-3 GMES S-1RA, SAR & Wind Scat/ERS-2 AMSR/GCOM-W RADARSAT-2 C-band RADARSAT-1 C-band ICESAT-2 OLS & SSMI/DMSP— AVHRR & AMSU/NOAA CRYOSAT-2 GRACE GOCE NPOESS C1 VIIRS/NPP SAR/RISAT C-band IPY ASCAT & AVHRR/MetOp Seawinds/QuikSCAT Ku-band HY-1B HY SPOT-4/5 & Landsat Ku-Scat & MSMR/OCEANSAT-2
Aircraft and in-situ Sounders and GPR Systems DMSP IceSat ADM-Aeolus Accomplishing the IPY Snapshot METOP GOCE GRACE SPOT-4 HRVIR / VGT SMOS f PALSAR PRISM / AVNIR-2 Aqua & Terra H ERS-2 ALOS RADARSAT Envisat ASAR MERIS / A-ATSR MODIS / ASTER AMSR-E ASCAT AVHRR SSMI
IPY Spaceborne Observations of the Polar Regions The IPY provides an international framework for understanding high-latitude climate change and predicting global impacts. IPY-era satellite capabilities represent a technological leap far beyond the capabilities of the IGY Spaceborne technology offers unique capabilities for obtaining essential data for predictive models. Coordinated spaceborne observations during IPY can serve as a prototype for coordinated international ventures such as: –IGOS-Partners Cryosphere Observing System (Cry-OS) –Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) – by fulfilling observations of Essential Climate Variables –GEOSS - IPY Legacy Dataset (Action Item CL-06-05: Ref GEO Work Plan)
Meeting Goals For Flight Agencies to take ownership of IPY Legacy Objectives, and elements of the IPY “Polar Snapshot” To allow Agencies to develop insight into how/where they can deliver a unique contribution to IPY legacy To establish commitment to IPY-STG planning exercise For Flight Agencies to take appropriate steps towards taking commitment to meet specific scientific objectives For Agencies to actively plan and coordinate IPY acquisitions to fulfil goal of an IPY data legacy To schedule future meetings of IPY-STG for review of acquisition plans and planning For Agencies to speak with a coordinated single voice in support of realising the IPY goals and objectives
Proposed Meeting Foci Focus on issues governing planning/acquisition of datasets which will otherwise not be accessible without immediate planning (March 2007 IPY kick off!) Work on issues that act as roadblocks to the STG in preparation for acquisition of the IPY snapshot dataset –coordinated mission planning –interoperability of data management systems/archives Establish Actions and Recommendations that help facilitate a coordinated Interagency “snapshot” Establish Actions and Recommendations that feed into the work of existing bodies such as SCOBS & CEOS SIT (or National Agencies) to help with implementation or realisation of the scientific benefits of the data