Collection Management DigiTool Version 3.0
Collection Management 2 Deposit Approval Search & Index Dispatcher & Viewers Single & Bulk Web Services DigiTool Modules
Collection Management 3 Overview Collection Creation Publishing Collections
Collection Management 4 Collection Management Module The institution can arrange objects in a hierarchical collection structure. Staff members use a dedicated web-based interface for creation, management, and publishing of collections. A collection record can point either to a child collection of records (e.g., Art, Paintings) or can include pointers to specific objects or group of objects. Each collection record can include title, description, and thumbnail. Each object can be part of more than one collection.
Collection Management 5 Collection Types The Collection type defines the collection contents. There are three collection types in DigiTool: Node – contains sub-collections linked to the collection, Itemized – contains objects linked to the collection, defined manually record/object by record/object. Logical – dynamic collection, which contains objects linked to the collection, defined by a search command.
Collection Management 6 A collection can be defined with a search command (i.e., logical) or a list of Object PID’s (itemized) Logical Vs. Itemized An itemized list of objects involves selecting individual records that are appropriate for inclusion in the itemized collection. A logical collection definition involves “instantiating” the search command to derive a group of objects that meet the search criteria. The end result of the 2 collection types is a definitive list of Object PID’s
Collection Management 7 Collection Management User Interface
Collection Management 8 Overview Collection Creation Publishing Collections
Collection Management 9 Create a New Collection To create a new collection, click on the “New Collection” icon on the left-hand pane. The right-hand pane of the collection management screen populates the form for the collection’s detailed information and attributes.
Collection Management 10 Collection Attributes Silo The silo to which the collection belongs (by default DigiTool comes with one silo that includes objects from all admin units). The silo is defined for the main node collection and automatically applies to all sub-nodes of the entire collection. Collection name (mandatory) The Collection name is a representative linkable title for the collection which will appear in the directory structure and navigation path from the Resource Discovery. Collection type The Collection type defines the collection contents.
Collection Management 11 Collection Attributes Thumbnail The thumbnail defines an image representation of the collection that will be linked to the collection display in the Resource Discovery. Short description The short description is a short sentence describing the collection’s content. Long description The long description of the collection provides a Resource Discovery user with detailed information about the collection by clicking on the “More” link from within a collection.
Collection Management 12 Create Collection’s Contents In order to find and add items or search query to collections, go inside the collection by clicking icons. The right hand pane populates search in the Resource Discovery module:
Collection Management 13 Create an Itemized Collection
Collection Management 14 Linking Objects in Meditor Objects can be linked to one or more itemized collections by choosing the Collections tab in Lower Pane of the Meditor screen.
Collection Management 15 Create a Logical Collection
Collection Management 16 Collection Management Overview Collection Creation Publishing Collections
Collection Management 17 Publishing Collection Collections can be marked for publish/export in one of three ways by using the inline icon: Publish this collection only – Regardless of place on the hierarchical chain. Publish this collection and all sub collections – Entire hierarchy will be exported/published. Suppress this collection – Specific collection will not be exported/published.
Collection Management 18 Published Collections All published collections will be represented with the relevant icon, according to the collection type and signified with the embedded blue arrow inside: - Published Itemized Collection. - Published Logical Collection - Published Node Collection.
Collection Management 19 Run p_media_36 (Meditor) to update logical count of collections. e.g. Query-based counts. dp csh -f p_media_36 GEN01,D Run p_media_35 (Meditor) to publish collection bundle to the Web-based Resource Discovery. dp csh -f p_media_35 GEN01,collection.xml,D Collection.xml file and related thumbnails exported to $dtle_root/coll_mng/ for publish. Publishing Collection
Collection Management 20 Publishing Collection Collection.xml file and related thumbnails exported to $dtle_root/coll_mng/ for publish.
Collection Management 21 Collections in Resource Discovery Description Collection hierarchy
Collection Management 22 Collections in Results View The full record includes the information on the related collection(s) in the full view search results.
Collection Management 23 Thank you!