Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta Programming in Lisp Recursion, Data Abstraction, Mapping, Iteration
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta2 Example: Both-ends Define a procedure that gives both ends of a list > (setf itinerary ’(Albany NYC Chicago Seattle Anchorage)) > (both-ends itinerary) (ALBANY ANCHORAGE) Three steps Get first element > (first itinerary) ALBANY Get last element > (first (last itinerary)) ANCHORAGE Combine the two > (list (first itinerary) (first (last itinerary))) Define procedure > (defun both-ends (l) (list (first l) (first (last l))))
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta3 Error handling Both-ends with error handling (defun both-ends (l) (if (listp l) (case (length l) (0 NIL) (1 (list (first l) (first l))) (t (list (first l) (first (last l))))) NIL))
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta4 DoTimes DOTIMES is Lisp’s way of doing iteration C/C++ for (i=0; i<n; i++) { } Lisp (dotimes (i n) ) First parameter is a list with three elements –counter variable (e.g. i) –number of times to iterate (e.g. n) Counter variable (i) ranges from 0 to n-1 Optional return value can be specified (default is NIL) (dotimes (i n return_value) )
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta5 Factorial Definition of Factorial C++ Implementation int factorial (int x) { int i,f; f = 1; for (i=1; i<=x; i++) f = f * i; return f; } Lisp Implementation (defun factorial (n) (let ((f 1)) (dotimes (i n) (setf f (* f (+ i 1)))) f ) Tip: Compute factorial(100) using C/C++ and Lisp
Data Structures (Mehta)6 Recursively Calculating Factorial Mathematical Definition of Factorial C/C++ Implementation long Factorial (long X) { if (X <= 1) return 1; else return X * Factorial(X-1); } Lisp Implementation (defun recursive-factorial (x) (if (<= x 1) 1 (* x (recursive-factorial (- x 1)))))
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta7 Recursive calls Show recursion when calling (recursive-factorial 4) Begin (recursive-factorial 4) Since 4>1, evaluate 4 * (recursive-factorial 3) Begin (recursive-factorial 3) Since 3>1, evaluate 3 * (recursive-factorial 2) Begin (recursive-factorial 2) Since 2>1, evaluate 2*(recursive-factorial 1) Begin (recursive-factorial 1) Since 1<=1, return 1 End (recursive-factorial 1), returns 1 2 * (recursive-factorial 1) = 2 * 1 = 2 End (recursive-factorial 2), returns 2 3 * (recursive-factorial 2) = 3 * 2 = 6 End (recursive-factorial 3), returns 6 4 * (recursive-factorial 3) = 4 * 6 = 24 End (recursive-factorial 4), returns 24
Data Structures (Mehta)8 Fibonacci Numbers Mathematical Definition of Fibonacci Numbers Sequence X Fib(X) Recursive Solution (defun fib (x) (cond ((= x 0) 0) ((= x 1) 1) (t (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2))))))
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta9 Fib(6) Function calls
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta10 Recursive Definition of Length Length (defun mylength (l) (if (endp l) 0 (+ 1 (mylength (rest l))))) Alternate definition (defun mylength2 (l) (mylength2-aux l 0)) (defun mylength2-aux (l count) (if (endp l) count (mylength2-aux l (+ count 1)))) Note All recursive calls simply return the final value evaluated. No additional computations
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta11 Tail Recursion Tail Recursion The final expression of a function is a recursive call No additional computations are done to that expression –That is, return value is JUST the result of the recursive call Lisp handles tail recursion efficiently Mylength is not tail recursive Mylength2 is tail recursive Example: Write a function to produce N atoms with value ‘A’. > (produce-list-of-a 5) ; Example call (A A A A A)
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta12 Produce-list-of-a Using dotimes (defun produce-list-of-a (n) (let ((la NIL)) (dotimes (i n la) (push 'A la)))) Recursion, not tail recursive (defun produce-list-of-a (n) (if (= n 0) nil (cons 'A (produce-list-of-a (- n 1))))) Recursion, with tail recursion (defun produce-list-of-a (n) (produce-list-of-a-aux n NIL)) (defun produce-list-of-a-aux (n list-so-far) (if (= n 0) list-so-far (produce-list-of-a-aux (- n 1) (cons 'A list-so-far))))
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta13 Count-Atoms Write function to count number of atoms in an expr (sqrt (+ (expt x 2) (expt y 2))) has eight atoms (defun count-atoms (l) (cond ((null l) 0) ((atom l) 1) (t (+ (count-atoms (first l)) (count-atoms (rest l))))))
Data Structures (Mehta)14 Tower of Hanoi Three pegs, S(start), T(temp), E(end) N disks Goal: Move disks from peg S to peg E Restriction: Larger disk can’t be placed on top of smaller disk STE
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta15 Tower of Hanoi Solution to Tower of Hanoi (defun hanoi-aux (n start end temp) (if (> n 1) (hanoi-aux (- n 1) start temp end)) (print (list start end)) (if (> n 1) (hanoi-aux (- n 1) temp end start))) (defun hanoi (n) (hanoi-aux n 'S 'E 'T)) Example Runs > (hanoi 2) (S T) (S E) (T E) NIL > (hanoi 3) (S E) (S T) (E T) (S E) (T S) (T E) (S E) NIL
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta16 &Optional Produce-list-of-a function(s) (defun produce-list-of-a (n) (produce-list-of-a-aux n NIL)) (defun produce-list-of-a-aux (n list-so-far) (if (= n 0) list-so-far (produce-list-of-a-aux (- n 1) (cons 'A list-so-far)))) Redefined with optional parameters (defun produce-list-of-a (n &optional list-so-far) (if (= n 0) list-so-far (produce-list-of-a (- n 1) (cons 'A list-so-far)))) Note: optional values are bound to NIL, by default
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta17 Optional Parameters (cont) Solution to Hanoi (defun hanoi-aux (n start end temp) (if (> n 1) (hanoi-aux (- n 1) start temp end)) (print (list start end)) (if (> n 1) (hanoi-aux (- n 1) temp end start))) (defun hanoi (n) (hanoi-aux n 'S 'E 'T)) Revised with optional parameters (defun hanoi (n &optional (start 'S) (end 'E) (temp 'T)) (if (> n 1) (hanoi (- n 1) start temp end)) (print (list start end)) (if (> n 1) (hanoi (- n 1) temp end start))) Note: notice the syntax for initializing optional parameters
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta18 &Rest &Rest - Specifies a variable number of arguments Example: Assume + only accepts 2 arguments. Define “Plus”, a function that adds an arbitrary number of arguments) > (plus 2 3) > (plus ) Solution (defun plus (arg1 &rest other_args) (plus-aux arg1 other_args)) (defun plus-aux (arg1 other_args) (if (null other_args) arg1 (plus-aux (+ arg1 (first other_args)) (rest other_args))))
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta19 Key Parameters KEYword parameter Useful when function has MANY parameters Most are tied to default values Examples > (rotate-list '(a b c d e)) ; rotate one element right (E A B C D) > (rotate-list '(a b c d e) :direction 'left) (B C D E A) > (rotate-list '(a b c d e) :distance 2) (D E A B C) > (rotate-list '(a b c d e) :direction 'left :distance 2) (C D E A B)
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta20 &Key Use &key to define Key parameters (defun rotate-list (l &key (direction 'right) (distance 1)) (if (eq direction 'left) (rotate-list-left l distance) (rotate-list-right l distance))) (defun rotate-list-right (l n) (if (zerop n) l (rotate-list-right (append (last l) (butlast l)) (- n 1)))) (defun rotate-list-left (l n) (if (zerop n) l (rotate-list-right (append (rest l) (list (first l))) (- n 1))))
Programming in Lisp; Instructor: Alok Mehta21 &Aux &Aux keyword is used as a shorthand for Let* Produce-list-of-a using Let* (defun produce-list-of-a (n) (let* ((la NIL)) (dotimes (i n la) (push 'A la)))) Using &Aux (defun produce-list-of-a (n &aux (la NIL)) (dotimes (i n la) (push 'A la)))